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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This is the way the NASCAR Whelen and NASCAR Southern Whelen Modified Tour will line up for qualifying tonight at Martinsville Speedway . Also all cars will have their "new" numbers listed .
1. 69 - JR. Miller
2. 13 - Ted Christopher
3. 50 - Chuck Hossfeld
4. 23 - Brian Loftin
5. 07 - Frank Fleming
6. 77 - Doug Coby III
7. 98 - Jamie Tomaino JR.
8. 9 - Jake Marosz
9. 66 - John Blewwett III
10. 28 - Tyler Haydt
11. 54 - Dave Etheridge
12. 4 - Jerry Marquis
13. 89 - Brian Crammer
14. 09 - Anthony Sesley
15. 1 - Burt Myers
16. 87 - Alex Hoag
17. 15 - Zach Sylvester
18. 81 - Brian Pack
19. 58 - Kevin Goodale
20. 3 - Eric Beers
21. 88 - Richie Coy
22. 44 - Reggie Ruggiero - Yes "The Reg" is in a 44
23. 10 - Eddie Flemke Jr.
24. 41 - Jay Hedgecock
25. 83 - Tim Brown
26. 01 - Rick Fuller - renumbered from usual 1
27. 2 - Greg Shivers - renumbered from usual 23
28. 70 - Danny Knoll JR.
29. 04 - Kevin Powell - renumbered from usual 4 on Southern Tour
30. 00 - Todd Szegedy
31. 33 - Wade Cole
32. 16 - Mike Steffanik
33. 60 - Michael Clifton - renumbered from usual 50 on Southern Tour
34. 47 - Jim Storace
35. 06 - Steve Whitt
36. 48 - Tony Hirschman Jr.
37. 51 - Kevin Konopka
38. 14 - Bobby Hutchens Jr.
39. 99 - Jamie Tomaino
40. 5 - Randy Butner
41. 0 - Darren Scherer - renumbered from Usual 3 on Southern Tour
42. 57 - Jay Foley
43. 79 - Mike Christopher
44. 90 - Rene Dupuis
45. 31 - Gene Pack
46. 18 - Donny Lia
These are all the cars listed to attempt qualifying .