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Harvick putting the pressure on RCR UPDATE to the #42? #77?: #29-Kevin Harvick, saying he’s putting pressure on [Richard] Childress to improve the team and could leave next year if his things don’t go the way he wants. “I’m checking things out and really just trying to see how it all goes,” Harvick said Friday. “We’ll race to the end of the year and see what happens.” Queried about his relationship with his car owner, Harvick added, “I think I’ve been leaning on him pretty hard … I just want to see some improvement in the whole organization.”(Speed Channel)(8-27-2005) UPDATE: After Kevin Harvick was caught up in the Jarrett-Newman [2nd] wreck, he got out of his car and ripped his team and his spotter on camera. “Happy” has been increasingly vocal in his public criticism of his RCR team, leading to speculation that he’s angling to leave for what he perceives to be greener pastures. The buzz is that he wants to replace Jamie McMurray next year in Chip Ganassi’s #42 Texaco Dodge, which would free McMurray to replace Mark Martin in Jack Roush’s #6 Ford in 2006, which in turn would mean Roush might allow Kurt Busch to leave to join Roger Penske’s team next year, replacing Rusty Wallace. And with Scott Riggs leaving MB2 Motorsports to drive Ray Evernham’s third [#10] car next year, soon-to-be-former-Ganassi-driver Sterling Marlin might take Riggs’s spot with MB2 next year.(Speed Channel), plus hearing Harvick could end up at Penske Racing, but in the #77 Dodge. Harvick was rumored to be going to the #2 a few months ago, but denied it saying he was getting ready to announce something special with RCR....obviously things have soured between Harvick and RCR, BUT Harvick is signed with RDR thru 2006. AND After the race [at Bristol], Kevin Harvick responded to a TNT report that he refused to get back into the team's car after it was repaired. Harvick's car was damaged when he slammed into Ryan Newman after Dale Jarrett spun Newman. "I didn't think they'd fix it,'' Harvick told NASCAR.com. "The throttle was hung wide open and they got it fixed, so I came back and got in it. It's disappointing, but what do you do?"(Greensboro News and Record)(8-30-2005)