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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I am going to the pats game and I am not going to thompson. I figured I would tell you asap. I hope to get there for the next thursday show, I am not sure if that is the following week or if the 300 is scheduled for that weekend. I am also skipping the 300 this year. Its been a few weeks now since I have been there.
In regards to last week, a friend reported there were only about 13 prostocks at last weeks thursday show. He stated he may have been off 1 or 2 but they were noticably down in pro stock car count. They also had approximately 10 imca tis mods. Is the writing on the wall for the last ct track to run the prostocks as a weekly division?
Thanks so much csg for letting us know your schedule. We really appreciate your courtesy and concern, as well as your loyalty and unwaivering dedication to bringing the news to the all of the racefans, (us included), who cannot attend certain tracks on a weekly basis due to scheduling conflicts of our own. Things are in fact getting tougher due to eyewitnesses having other committments, i.e; work, and other personal time constraints. I hope you realize how much we appreciate everything you have done for us in the past, and are planning to do in the future.
Last Thursday, an unexpected fellow webmaster/race junkie came to our rescue, and we certainly appreciated it. Just to let everyone know, this is a completely public forum and feel free to post any results or news from any of the tracks you have if you notice that we are lacking in that area. We do our best to encourage an interactive forum, one where anybody can post. There are no requirements or regulations on that, we just wish to continue our "intelligent family atmosphere". (If you know what I mean). You will also not be ostracized for making comments or suggestions, in fact, we welcome them.
Enjoy The Pats, csg! I personally can't wait to get back to Hockey!
As for the Pro Stocks, it always was one of my personal favorite divisions, at Riverside Park and SMS. I just wonder if people remember the car counts at those tracks in that division. Certainly puts a damper on the added divisions at TIS and SMS now when you think of the entry lists back then.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
i know its terrible to see the pro stocks have such a low car count, its not like the old days when the pro stocks and late models were so different now they have become for the same and you s.k. mods that is the top division.