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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
the gloves are off, the tempers have flared...... and the gods have spoken both from the booth and the pit box
1st off , i tuned in to espn to watch what i thought what was gonna be a typical boring race, and guess how many open seats that they were gonna have open.... but i think the ticket holders that did not go and the ones that were planning on going to this race are kicking themselfs now because most agureablly the best race in about 10 years had occered...... even though this decade is still young, its the race of the decade in my eyes..........
some of you old schoolers, that remember the 1979 daytona 500 memorys eitched in your heads, with the allison vs yarbrough show and that put nascar on the map..... but there is 1 thing that bugs me, has have at it boys have gone to far??? personally i dont think so, you brainwash drivers to do 1 thing, you make sure there in line, then you say, ok have at it boys, what does that exactly mean????? what we seen was a clear example of have at it boys, with jeff vs jeff sunday afternoon.... if there is peniltys that come out of this. i will be surprised...... more on this later though, still alot to cover.....
now heres where it gets good folks, kyle busch, what can i say about him, i think in the modern era of nascar, probally had one of the biggest meltdowns in recent memory...... spins out in turn 1, no big deal right ? he comes in to the pits and gets 2 tires changed and come on to the racetrack but gets nailed for speeding, not sure how fast he was actually going but he got nailed, he gets told to park his car for 1 lap that he would have saved, in the meantime he gives the offical a middle finger..... which in turn is a "unsportsmenlike penilty" last i knew this was not football, but i will say this as in a defence to the officals, we live in a racing wrold that the officals, even the flagmen for instance are nothing but puppets, before you officals and flaggers get all in a uproar, let me explain why, we live in a radio world now and the decsion to park someone or give a 2 lap penilty, comes directly from the booth............ im not a kyle fan but i do think that was the wrong call.......... kyle and crews full audio can be heard here
on to the jeff vs jeff show, all i can say is that was 1 werid accident, with the yellow comming out and then those 2 get together, the thing that baffled me was, 1, jeff gordon had his own emt velicle to get into, it was parked on the top end of the track, jeff burton has his own against the wall down the strightway, someone with enough brains should have known that gordon was walking towards burton that something was about to happen, gordon had the look of david berkowitz as he was walking down there, he should have been just told to take a ride to the infield care center and that would have been it, but the officals followed gordon untill the 1st shove was tossed........ it was almost like they were expecting it, and if it was a rating issue this is not the way to do it........ just my take....
and now the grand finale, crew-gate, nascar has grown to epic portions to where 1 teams loyality is questioned from the pitbooth gods and the car owners wrath it seems........ which puts us to this question...... has nascar reached the level that they wanted? to MLB and NFL standards?????? my answer would have to be yes.... with the chase and now benching team members...... trading....... and other stuff that we seen today it is the day that we as racefans would come to dread, have we seen the the days of when a crew member or members i should say now is numbered? like for instance, that 1 member that pulls the tear off of the windshield does not get all of it 3 times in a row, does that mean your gonna get a waterboy or worse, someone who caters to the team because you think they will do a better job? i dont like where this is going but we have to face the facts, nascar has been getting way to commericlized in alot of there ways for a long time now, it is 1 thing to replace a crew member or 2 if there is a trouble spot on there pitstops, but to replace a whole crew because of a bad set of stops, that is your problem, you brought that team to the pit box, work with them and at the team meetings on tuesday or something, at that time say, ok you you you and you, YOUR FIRED........ what the 48 team did was a possable self distructing path where the teams moral might get effect, and what i mean is this, i think what that team did was made the crew members feel like they were facing the gullitine and can be replaced.... i think you can all come up with your own conclusions on this......... we have to see what happens in the next 2 weeks
all in all folks, this has been a eventful week......... it would be great to see the 29 bunch in vegas with the crown, but lets see what happens!!!!!!!
-- Edited by scott121476 on Monday 8th of November 2010 01:29:45 AM