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Big Names Added to North South Shootout TM Qualifiers List;
Hirschman, Brown & Alexander Score Qualifier Victories
Lexington, NC: Last weekend three qualifying spots were awarded for the upcoming North-South Shootout TM and when the checkers flew three of the hottest drivers in Modified racing had added their names as guaranteed starters for the November 4th &5th event. Tony Hirschman of Northampton, PA, Tim Brown of Cana, VA, and Kirk Alexander of Swanzey, NH won their respective races to earn starting spots for their car owners in the prestigious North-South Shootout TM at Concord Motorsports Park.
On Thursday night, August 18, 2005, by virtue of his win in the New England Dodge Dealers Budweiser 150 for the Whelen Modified Tour, red-hot Tony Hirschman of Northampton, PA scored the victory to claim a starting spot in the Shootout.
“It is the best damn Modified show ever,” said a jubilant Tim Brown of the North-South Shootout TM after his win in the LSB 150 at Bowman Gray Stadium in Winston-Salem, NC on Saturday Night. On the same night, some 800 miles north, Kirk Alexander was scoring his 10th win of the season in True Value Modified Series competition at Seekonk Speedway to earn his place in the Shootout.
The North-South Shootout TM is a 100-lap Modified race that features the best Modified drivers from both north and south of the Mason-Dixon Line on the famed half-mile tri-oval of Concord Motorsports Park in Concord, NC. Started in 2003, the race has quickly gained prominence among competitors and fans in the racing community. The North-South Shootout TM was named the “Best Race of the Year” and C&C Racing “Promoters of the Year” by Speed51.com in 2004.
Brown has supported the Shootout since its inception in 2003. He is an outstanding representative of the Southern contingent. His dynamic personality and talent make Brown the kind of driver who has a tremendously loyal fan following while being the driver that many “love to hate”.
In the inaugural event, Brown was one of the highest finishing Southern cars in ninth position. Last year, mechanical problems stood in Brown’s way of making the big show. He went on to dominate the non-qualifier’s race.
“It is a relief to win this Qualifying race,” added Brown. “In November, I know I have a spot so do not have to worry about qualifying. I can just concentrate on making my Hayes Jewelers car fast and winning the race”
The 2005 installment of the North-South Shootout TM would be the first for both Hirschman and Alexander. Hirschman has been to the Shootout in the past in more of an advisory role for his son Matt, who ran strong in 2004.
Based on the look in his eyes when he was presented his solid oak table commemorating his win in the qualifier, it is likely that Tony Hirschman will come to race and win in 2005.
In addition, to his guaranteed starting spot, Alexander will also receive a solid oak table for his win. A formal presentation will be made to Alexander at a later date.
For the first time, the popular SK Modifieds® will be part of the excitement of the North-South Shootout TM. Support divisions will also include three divisions of Vintage racing and the Thunder Roadsters.
This Thursday night at Thompson International Speedway, C&C Racing Promotions will award the winner of the Independent Truck Service 50 for the Sunoco Modifieds with a guaranteed starting spot in the SK portion of the Shootout.
For the complete listing of guaranteed starters for the North-South Shootout TM, along with a list of upcoming qualifying events, log on to www.northsouthshootout.com. This comprehensive site provides all the information fans or drivers need on the North South ShootoutTM.
The format for the third annual event will boast time trials, heat races, consolation and non-qualifiers event(s) for both the Modifieds and SKs. The Modifieds will go 100 green flag laps while the SK Modifieds will do 50-laps. Lap sponsorships are available for all divisions.
Admission tickets to the 3rd Annual North-South Shootout TM, scheduled for November 4 & 5, 2005 at Concord Motorsports Park, can be purchased by phone by contacting C&C Racing Promotions, days at (336)773-1600, (336) 250-4383 and evenings at (336) 249-3759. To order online visit the secure on-line store at www.northsouthshootout.com or www.ccracingsouvenirs.com.
The Original North-South Shootout TM A Production of C&C Racing Promotions-EXCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!