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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well, it's another regular Friday night of racing at the Stafford Motor Speedway and the Dare Stock's kicked off tonight's feature event action, and what we believe is a first time winner ended up in victory lane! The top 3 finishers were:
Norm Sears
Stacey Botticello
Robert Dow
The Late Model's are up next and will be back with the results so stay tuned.......
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Friday Night SMS Live chatroom is open! Join us by clicking on the link below, clicking on guest and clicking on the Stafford room. No registration necessary!
It was a wild one in the SK's. Point leader Lyold Agor finished aproximatley 9th, Todd Owen and also Donny Lia were DNF's, with Lia reportedly being livid with John Sandberg. TC, with what seems to be a weekly occurence, was put to the rear for over aggressive driving this time Mike Holdridge was his dance partner. Jimmy Blewett, the new driver of the #12 SK replacing Bo Gunning had a steady run and finished in the top 10. There were 21 SK's in attendance, and we had a first time winner to boot, Here's the full finish:
Kenny Horton
Willie Hardie
Ted Christopher
Jeff Malave
Chuck Docherty
Jimmy Blewett
Woody Pitkat
Frank Ruocco
Lyold Agor
Zach Sylvester
Keith Rocco
Kirk Zervas
John Sandberg
Ronnie Silk
Curt Brainerd
Donny Lia
Mike Holdridge
Frankie Malec
Doug Coby (In TC's backup car)
Jeff Baral
Todd Owen
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:46, 2005-08-19
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
No ....... Coby was there to bring out a yellow for TC in case he needed one. TC got a drive through and low and behold Coby spun out for no apprarent reason and brought out the yellow - TC stayed on the lead lap. Even SMS knew it was intentional as the 33 was held for it. Coby's not there for car count here is there for the TC (total cheater) to get a caution when he needs one.
My takes on the night are going to be short and sweet once again. And they are as follows: All winners deserved their wins. And someone in the SK division really needs to get his head straight when it comes to his actions on the track. Officials had to stop scoring Sandberg after five laps of black flags. (Shame on you!)
The hot talk around the scene is, (and this is unofficial until SMS releases there weekly "police log") is that John Sandberg, has been suspended from competiton for the rest of the year, and Donny Lia will be suspended for two events, for their actions during the 8/19 event.
Why on earth do they let him get away with so much?
I know they have some kind of crazy rule about backup cars, and that is why someone is running it. If something happens to his primary car he cant get in the backup unless it's been on the track.
They should throw Teddy out!! Why on earth do they let him get away with so much?
Because for the past few weeks (and I hate to admit it), TC hasn't been the one causing the accidents on the track.
I feel sorry for those who have had great runs during the early part of the SK features during the past few weeks, only to end up getting stuffed into the wall. If what openwheelracer said is true (and I'm believing it), then I'm sure this is a wake up call towards the drivers. This kind of thing won't happen again.
Did he, or did he not have his backup car spin so he didn't lose a lap? HE HAD COBY SPIN. Wake up Honey, and smell the cofee!!
Before I begin, I'd like to mention to you that I'm not "Honey". Don't call me that.
To continue, this is the second week that TC has had someone drive a backup. I understand that the first week of the "backup charade" (August 12) involved a busted motor from Eric Berndt's 54. TC let him use his backup because of that. I don't see anything wrong with that night.
This past Friday night (August 19), he had Doug Coby drive the backup. I didn't think about the car after that. But I did see him spin in turn two. I'm not quite sure it was to make sure TC didn't lose a lap. TC can be sneaky, but I don't see him being that sneaky.
We'll have to wait and see what this upcoming Friday (August 26) produces before I can come up with some testimony.
TC let Eric use his back up car because Eric had problems with his car and was in the top 5 in points at the time. He let Coby drive it to help him try and win the championship.
For you to say TC hasn't been the one causing the accidents, you must be missing the race.
If the worst penalty you get for dumping someone is go to the end of the pack you are going to get everyone dumping the cars they can't pass. At least put them a lap down so we don't have another Friday nite like last weeks.
Someone had to go on the radio and tell Coby to spin.
Maybe the had a signal so no one would hear them tell him to spin. The sad thing is, if you look at the lap times Coby had a very fast car, much faster than Teddy. And if Teddy reads the lap times Coby's out of that car. He'll get someone else who won't show him up!!
One thing for sure Bo will not spin out if he has a chance to win, and he's not out there to just drive around. Should be fun to watch friday night.
One thing for sure Bo will not spin out if he has a chance to win, and he's not out there to just drive around. Should be fun to watch friday night.
Of course Bo's not going to purposely spin. He'll race that car like he does with every other race car he's driven. He'll race to win. I would love to see the looks on everyone's face if he wins Friday.
mandy do you ever go and watch the race? you dont seem to have a clue
To answer your question...yes, I have attended a bunch of races since 2000. I have a picture of me on another thread in Victory Lane (earlier this year). If you're ever in the area on a Friday night, I'm over in the turn one grandstands. Stop by sometime.