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Lia and SS Green Light Racing part ways: With nine races left in the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series schedule SS Green Light Racing and Donny Lia have mutually agreed to seek other opportunities for the remainder of the 2010. The two-time Whelen Modified Tour Champion has run twelve of the first sixteen races of the 2010 NCWTS season for the Mooresville based team with a best finish of twelfth coming at Nashville earlier this month. The team has endured more than their fair share of bad luck having blown tires in no less than four of those races. "Sometimes you can put a bunch of good people together and for whatever reason just don't get the results you were expecting," said SS Green Light Racing co-owner and general manager Bobby Dotter. "Donny and I sat down after the race at Bristol and decided it was in each of our best interests to look for new opportunities for the rest of 2010. "We know Donny is a great race driver and I am very confident of the ability of our team, but sometimes things just don't mesh how you expected," Dotter added. "We are parting on good terms and we will leave the door open should the correct situation arise." Tony Jackson Jr. is scheduled to run three of the remaining nine races in the SS Green Light Racing No. 07. The team, which is currently eighteenth in NCWTS owner's point standings, is looking at several options for filling the remaining races in the 2010 schedule. (SS Green Light Racing PR)(8-21-2010)