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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
There's an ominous looking front headed our way that may affect tonight's racing at Stafford Motor Speedway in CT. See for yourself. This map will be current each time you return to this thread. We will be back when there is any news or results from SMS.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
It did begin to rain prior to any on track activities. There were some slight breaks, but it has been raining almost non-stop since mid-afternoon. Some attempts had been made intermittently to begin drying efforts, but the rain continued. In fact, it is still raining at the track, and no practice or qualifying events have taken place as of 6:15pm on Friday 8/05/05. There have been a few requests of drivers to head out onto the track to help initiate the drying process, but that has yet to take place either.
So as of right now, as I type this post, the events scheduled for tonight are "on hold", at least until the rain stops.
We will keep you updated.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:23, 2005-08-05
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
It finally has stopped raining at the track and intensive drying procedures are underway. Once the track is dry, SMS management/officials have told the competitors that they will give everyone a practice session, the assumption being just one round for each division. They will run no qualifying events, and upon completing a shortened practice session, run "FEATURES ONLY" with the top 15 handicapped for starting position.
But as of right now, they are only just drying the track, but all efforts indicate a strong desire to get tonight's show in, no matter what it takes. We admire SMS for that.
We will return with any news and results once the green drops on the first feature.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Track drying efforts were more than successful, with one warm up session, and the Dare feature getting completed by 8:30pm. The Late Model, SK and Limited Late Model events will round out the evening events in that order.
DARE Top Four Finishers Unofficial:
Charlie Newman
David Gambacorta
Joey Ferrigno
Jeff Hubbell
Side note: Original feature event winner, Carla Botticello was disqualified after post race tech inspection.
The Late Model feature is next followed by the SK's. We will bring you at least the podium finishers in all the remaining events as soon as we get word from the track....Keep watching!
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 14:41, 2005-08-08
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The only exciting news in the SK feature, besides the winner, was that TC evidently spun (or got into) John Sandberg while running 5th, and was put to the rear for rough driving. he ended up 8th.
SK Full Finish:
Eric Berndt
Jeff Baral
Lloyd Agor
Donny Lia
Mike Holdridge
Woody Pitkat
Todd Owen
Ted Christopher
Keith Rocco
Chuck Docherty
Willie Hardie Jr.
Zach Sylvester
John Sandberg
Chris Osella
Curt Brainard
Ronnie SIlk
Frank Ruocco
Mike Marshall
Jeff Malave
Kenny Horton
Jess Hilger
Limited Late Models are next!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Well, the checker finally fell on a full night of racing interrupted by rain. But, considering all the track drying, getting the show completed by 10:00pm was definitely an accomplishment.
and the record continues....
Limited Late Model Podium Results:
Michael Bennett
Andrew Durand
Mike Young
It has been just a devastating week for the racing community and we certainly send all our best wishes out to all the families of those who have been affected. Our prayers do not stop...
Thanks to everyone who joined us in the chatroom tonight, we had a great time. To all our regulars thanks again, and to the new people who stopped by, we will see you again soon.
.....until tomorrow night from Waterford Speedbowl, we will save you a seat in the stands!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I knew they were going to get this night under the books. But for the most part, I think I should have performed a rain dance before I went out the door.
DARE Stock: Well, it was a surprising 15 laps (if that's even the word). A few restarts here and there, a hard charge in the end, but it wasn't meant to be. Stacey's sister takes another win, and it's a joyous occasion.
Late Model: Just be glad it wasn't Posocco who won the event. I'd be having gray hairs after that feature was over. I was happy that Butler had that big of a lead when the checkered flag went out. Literally, I saw both the white and the checkered out.
SK Modified: You have three drivers within 22 points of each other and they're racing for the championship? What do you get? Something going down on lap-11 when the two drivers (at that time) tied for second get into an accident. That didn't help one's chances (and why did it have to be the good guy in that mess?) and the other just takes full control of second.
Oh...you want my take on the first place finisher? Okay. Well, I have to say that Berndt did a good job in leading every lap and finishing the race in style...a la the Late Model feature.
Limited Late Model: Can you say "12 wins"? Can you also say "soon to be champion"? Well, that's the case, and obviously I had to bring those points out. I'm not going any farther than that. You know who won. I hate him.
I'm not going any farther with my takes. I'm not going to be in the state next week, but I hope to have internet access for my takes via Rochester, New York. Until next time, everyone...