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Jayski.com is reporting that IRL driver AJ Foyt IV, is close to signing a deal with Evernham Motorsports to run the entire Busch Series schedule in 2006.
Foyt IV gets out of his IRL contract to run NASCAR: A.J. Foyt IV will relinquish his role as driver of A.J. Foyt's #14 ABC Supply Dallara/Chevrolet. Foyt IV is being released from his contract with A.J. Foyt Enterprises effective after the IRL IndyCar Series' final race at California Speedway Sunday, October 16th "Anthony wants to try his hand at NASCAR," said family patriarch and Indy car team owner A.J. Foyt. "He's learned a lot since we began working together in 2002 but now it's time for him to learn from someone else. He's still young and I'm sure some of the advice I've given him will start to sink in when he hears it from someone other than me. I admit I'm a little nervous about trusting him to the world because he is young. At the same time, I think we both realize it's time for him to spread his wings. I'll still keep an eye on him no matter where he goes because he is my grandson and that will never change." "I will always appreciate the chance my grandfather has given me," said Foyt IV, who turned 21 this past May. "I've learned tons working with him and his team, especially how you have to keep working together to make progress. My grandfather has shown a lot of faith in me by allowing me to drive his cars and by sticking by me when times got rough. Without him I wouldn't be where I am today. Now I have an opportunity to try something different which I'm excited about and I hope works out well."(Foyt Racing PR)(10-7-2005)