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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
An exciting finish, lets see how it stands. I thought Ricky Craven is a great add in the booth and did a great job. Hope to hear more of him in the future.
From jayski.com:
Edwards wins at Gateway: #60-Carl Edward won the Missouri-Illinois Dodge Dealers 250 at Gateway International Raceway, for his second win of the season. #22-Brad Keselowski had the lead on a green-white-checker restart and he and Edwards traded the lead on the last 2 laps. On the last lap, Keselowski nudged Edwards and too the lead. Coming to the checkered flag, Edwards hit Keselowski in the rear, turning him into the wall and giving Edwards the win. Keselowski's car came to a stop before the start-finish line, but then was hit by a couple different cars and pushed him over the line. #32-Reed Sorenson finished second. The rest of the top 10: #99-Trevor Bayne, #98-Paul Menard, #66-Steve Wallace, #11-Brian Scott, #16-Colin Braun, #7-Josh Wise, #6-Ricky Stenhouse Jr., and #34-Tony Raines. Keselowski was credited with a 14th place finish. There were 6 cautions for 30 laps and 12 lead changes among 4 leaders. (7-17-2010)
-- Edited by spdracer19 on Saturday 17th of July 2010 11:43:15 PM