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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The IBG-PASS series takes a break this weekend to allow it's competitors to race in the Bank North Oxford 250. The "250" is the Grand Daddy of the Pro Stock open comp events, as well as the highest paying event of it kind in the nation. Created by Bob Bahre in the '70s, the 250 always tried to add a little class and excitment to the New England Late Model 0/ Pro Stock seen. Drivers would come from all over the country to take on the locals for the big money and this year is no exception. 2003 Cup Champ Matt Kenseth and current rookie Kyle Busch will attempt to take the big trophy south this year. This will be Busch's first attempt at the "250", his brother Kurt appeared in last years event, as did Kenseth, who after using a promoters option to get in the race, ran to a solid third place finnish.
With a ACT 100 lap event on Saturday night, as well as the "famous" bonfire, where anything can happen! Sundays full slate of qualifying heats and consi's for the Pro Stocks, features for the tracks regular divisions and 250 GREEN FLAG LAPS! of feature action, Oxford Plains Speedway is the place to be this weekend for the full-fendered fans out there! Hope to see you there!