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Illegal bleeder valves on the #38 at Pocono? UPDATE 2 penalties announced: Sources tell Sirius NASCAR Radio's Sirius Speedway with Dave Moody that NASCAR discovered clandestine [secrecy or concealed] air pressure bleeder valves on the tires of Travis Kvapil's #38 Front Row Motorsports Ford Sunday at Pocono Raceway. Following the rain delay, NASCAR officials reportedly observed two soft tires on the rear of Kvapil's car and held him from rolling back onto the track for the start of the race. Closer examination of those tire and wheel assemblies allegedly revealed illegal bleeder valves, which purge excess air pressure from the tires as it accumulates under race conditions. If confirmed, the team would likely face a major NASCAR penalty, since tires are considered to be one of the sanctions "untouchable" items, along with engines and fuel.(Sirius Speedway)(6-8-2010)
UPDATE: After yesterday's story about Front Row's possible infraction at Pocono, [NASCAR Insiders] are hearing today that the penalty from NASCAR could be the biggest ever handed down. When NASCAR makes the announcement later today or tomorrow, expect the penalty to include a $250,000 fine and 300 driver and owner points for Travis Kvapil and owner Bob Jenkins. A suspension for crew chief Steven Lane will also be included. This penalty tops the sanctions handed down last season to Carl Long's team after his engine was discovered to be too large at Charlotte. No word yet on how this will affect the team's status moving forward. Expect the team to appeal the decision. (NASCAR Insiders)(6-8-2010)
UPDATE 2: NASCAR has issued penalties, suspensions and fines to the #38 team in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, as a result of rules infractions committed during last Sunday's event at Pocono Raceway. The team was found to be in violation of Sections 12-1 (actions detrimental to stock car racing); 12-4-J (any determination by NASCAR officials that the race equipment used in the event does not conform to NASCAR rules); and 20-10.7J (unapproved modification to valve stem hardware) of the 2010 NASCAR Rule Book. As a result, crew chief Steve Lane has been fined $100,000, suspended for the next 12 NASCAR Sprint Cup events, suspended from NASCAR until Sept. 15 and placed on probation until Dec. 31. Car chief Richard Bourgeois and tire specialist Michael Harrold have also been suspended from the next 12 NASCAR Sprint Cup events, suspended from NASCAR until Sept. 15 and placed on probation until Dec. 31. Driver Travis Kvapil and owner Doug Yates have been penalized with the loss of 150 driver and 150 owner points, respectively.(NASCAR)(6-9-2010)
APPEAL: Front Row Motorsports supports NASCAR in its efforts to enforce competition rules and to maintain integrity throughout the sport. Therefore, Front Row accepts that NASCAR must penalize the team for a rules infraction regarding valve stem caps on the #38 car at Pocono Raceway on June 6. "We take the rules of this sport very seriously, and we support NASCAR in its enforcement of those rules," said Bob Jenkins, team owner. "It was not our intent to put unapproved valve stem caps on our car at Pocono, a track where such a maneuver would clearly not provide any advantage. We are conducting our own internal investigation to determine how those parts got into our inventory and onto our car last weekend. "While we recognize we have to pay for our mistake, this was an unintentional, isolated incident," Jenkins continued. "We plan to immediately submit an appeal through NASCAR's formal appeal process as outlined by the NASCAR rule book." The team's three entries will compete this weekend at Michigan International Speedway.(Breaking Limits)
OWNERS POINTS: The loss of 150 owners points drops the #38 team to 36th in owners points and out of the top-35 by 66 points. #7-Robby Gordon moves up into 35th in owners points, 66 points ahead of the #38, so Gordon now has a guaranteed starting spot at Michigan and the #38 team doesn't. #26-David Stremme's team is still 37th, but is not only 87 points out of the top 35. Been told that the suspensions and fines could be deferred but the points penalty goes in effect immediately, although it could be rescinded in the appeal process. See the updated Owners Points Standings on my Owners Points Standing page.(6-9-2010)