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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Modified (30 laps): 1. Lou Strohl 2. Kory Rabenold 3. Rick Kirkendall 4. John Bennett 5. Roger Heffelfinger, Jr. 6. Glen Correll 7. Rod Snyder, Jr. 8. Matt Wentz 9. Chip Santee 10. CJ Jones 11. Jarred Nace 12. Brent Wentz 13. Mike Sweeney 14. Kevin Graver, Jr. 15. Brian LaBar 16. Eric Kocher 17. Dean Ficarro 18. Brian DeFebo 19. Scott Lesher 20. Troy Bollinger DNQ: Dave Correll & Billy Swartz
Heat winners: Rabenold, Lesher & M. Wentz
Consi winner: Graver
Late Model (25 laps): 1. Paul Koehler, Jr. 2. Lorin Arthofer 3. Pat Hargan 4. Chuck McMinn 5. Joe Kehrli 6. Larry Fisher 7. Geno Steigerwalt 8. Mike Radocha 9. Rick Wallace 10. Mike Sweeney 11. TJ Kemmerer 12. Mike Van Fossen 13. Mike Schaeffer 14. Greg Steigerwalt 15. Bill Hunara 16. Scott Shoff
Heat winners: Radocha, VanFossen & Fisher
Street Stock (20 laps): 1. Dan Marsh 2. Alan Schlenker, 3. Todd Ahner 4. Rodney Gruber 5. Randy Ahner, Jr. 6. Mike Quinn 7. Jay Llewellyn 8. Chip Wanamaker 9. Shawn Sitarchyk 10. Lonnie Behler 11. Bob Kibler 12. Todd Geist 13. Joe Steigerwalt 14. Dave Laubach 15. Joe Mooney 16. Steve Hoffman 17. Mike Garris, Sr. 18. Mark Dysher 19. Eric Danulyk 20. Jamie Smith DNQ Carl Jones & Carl Altemose
Heat winners: Smith, Marsh & Ahner
Consi winner: Steigerwalt
Pro-4 Late Model (20 laps): 1. Randy Schlenker 2. Jon Moser 3. Todd Baer 4. Pat McNight 5. Kevin Rex, Jr. 6. Jeremy Miller 7. Corey Hill 8. Kevin Graver, Sr. 9. Frankie Althouse 10. Bob Solderich 11. Kristy Marone 12. Bill Rooney 13. Chris Kuronya 14. Nolan Fry
Heat winners: Fry & Kuronya
Factory Stock (20 laps): 1. Chub Steigerwalt 2. Matt Lesher, 3. Jason Kuhn 4. Mike Bugarewicz 5. Jeff Drofich 6. Brian Hughes 7. Duane Eidem 8. Randy Ahner, Sr. 9. TJ Gursky 10. Scott Hauser 11. Damon Edwards
Heat winners: Steigerwalt & Hughes
4-Cylinder (20 laps): 1. Ross Gursky 2. Jeff Barton 3. Josh Sherer. 4. Mike Garris, Jr. 5. Dave Freundt 6. Brian Kunkle 7. Ed Herman 8. Jon Smith 9. Scooter Graver 10. Lori Laubach 11. Adam Kratzer 12. Jay Garris 13. Steve Longacher