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Devin Jones had his #35 Super Late Model rolling fast at the PASS South race at Ace Speedway on Friday, June 4. After transmission issues hit during a caution early on, Jones wheeled his Social Distortion car from being a lap down to as high as 3rd, and crossed the line in 4th.
Our car was great off the trailer, just as it has been for the past three races, said Jones. This was our first time at Ace Speedway, and without a full practice day before the race, we needed to learn the track fast. We got the car rolling well, but made a final adjustment before qualifying that made the car too tight.
Despite a 12th place qualifying position, Jones and the #35 team were ready to take on the feature. There were multiple cautions within the first 13 laps on the flat, small Ace Speedway track. Jones was collected by a wreck in turn one and was pinned between two cars. When he couldnt get his car rolling because his transmission was jammed, the leaders passed him and he became a lap down.
We were stuck on the track and the car simply wouldnt go into gear, said Jones. We got pushed to the pits and the Jeff Fultz Racing crew acted real fast. They jammed the car into gear and I got back onto the backside of the track, just as the leaders were taking the green.
A couple cautions later, Jones was given the lucky dog and made his way back to the lead lap. From here, he charged from the back making his way up to 3rd.
We were riding around in 3rd, saving our tires for the end, said Jones. We ran hard for the last 25 laps and had 3rd until two laps to go. The 4th place car had a good run on me in turn three and we ran side by side for half a lap. I tucked back behind him to get a run to make a pass, but we simply ran out of time.
Overall, it was a fantastic night, said Jones. Were very happy with 4th and the Jeff Fultz Racing crew including Chuck, Andrew and Jeffrey, did an amazing job. They really worked hard and gave me a car capable of winning. Were on a great roll going into the big Rowdys Revenge 251. Im ready and eager to make a great impression there.
Jones will race Rowdys Revenge 251 on June 15 at Berlin Raceway. The race, put on by Kyle Busch and CRA, has attracted top name drivers including Jeff Fultz, Kyle Busch, AJ Allmendinger, David Stremme, and Ross Kenseth. Jones will also race in the PASS South series on June 26 at Orange County Speedway.