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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well after a nice long holiday weekend, June is here and it's time for me to celebrate turning 21 for something like the 20th time LOL. It is also time for another "JUST MY THOUGHTS".
BOBBY SANTOS III - Can anyone else say THE REAL DEAL!!!! You can say it is the car all you want and I'll disagree, more than you want. This kid has T-A-L-E-N-T. The whole family does for that matter. If it were just the car, Brian Ross, Bugs Stevens, Jerry Marquis, Satch Worley, and Chuck Hossfeld would have given Mr. Garbarino Championships as well. Bobby is re-writing the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour record books. I do not think any driver has accomplished what he has in their first full season on Tour, and he has done it in three races. Two wins, three Coors Light Pole Awards, and two Track Qualifying Records. Yup, it's just the car. And the next post I read that says "I could win with a $55k motor too is going to make me laugh until I need new underwear. GET REAL IF YOU HAD HIS SKILLS YOU WOULD BE RACING HIM NOT TRASH TALKING HIM. As for the motor, he is not the only one able to run Hutter's, and others do. Maybe next month we can have a "it's just the motor" discussion. Oh, and I can not wait until New Hampshire, seems people doubt he can do anything there. Wagers anyone ???
A LEFT, A RIGHT???? - Next month the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour will visit the historic Lime Rock Park cicuit for the first time. Of course, some "fans" think it is a bad idea. Personally I 100% disagree. I have also read somewhere that there may be more road-course events in the future. Once again more complaints from "so called fans". I don't care if they schedule a race on ice somewhere in Antartica or in the mud of a bayou in Louisianna, THE TOUR NEEDS EVENTS and not four or five at the same track. A TOUR travels, hence the word tour. Lime Rock Park is a chance for these drivers to prove they are more that just a "regional training ground" running on mainly unknown short-tracks. The event will run in front of many race fans who may have never seen the Tour before, as well as potential sponsors. Maybe, we will even attract some "road ringers". Now that all the teams will have the equipment to run road-courses, why not add more in the future. It only makes sense to me. More road-courses = more events. Is that not what EVERYONE has been crying for ????
Well that is it for this month. As always I'd love to read your responses and thank you for your support of the site.