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#16 Crewman injured during pit stop: A crewman for Greg Biffle's NASCAR team has been taken to a local hospital after getting hit by #14-Tony Stewart on pit road at Charlotte Motor Speedway Sunday night. Stewart ran into Kevin McDowell, the right rear tire changer on the #16 3M Nexcare Ford, during a late pit stop. Television replays showed McDowell slump to the concrete in pain after Stewart hit him leaving his pit stall. There was no immediate word on McDowell's injuries or condition.(ESPN/AP)(5-31-2010)
I am sorry but I am very bothered by the fact that a driver can hit someone like that on pit road and get no penatly what so ever. Such a blantant deal like this one the driver should be parked for the remainder of the event and possibly points and dollar fines. If a driver can not exit he should not have the right to hit a crew member who is in his own pit doing his job. Loosing a spot or more for the restart should not be put above life or some type of handicap for the rest of someones life.
Just like Kryle Busch leaving his 2 tire stop with a crew member still crossing in front of the car. Should be parked for the night for starters.
When doing the Hooters Cup with the farmer in 02 he ran out of fuel and as he coasted to a stop with no power steering Warren ran out with the air gun with me on his heals carring the RF and the Farmer was trying to get in far enough to straigthen the wheels and I got my feet taken out from me but still managed to get the job done with no injuries. But I was able to see it coming, neither of the instances last night were expected and should have been avoided, at all costs.
I hope no one gets killed or crippled by a driver that thinks it is more important to get out of his pit stall at all costs than doing it safely for all involved.
Sorry for the rant, but I can't believe they make the guys bother to ware helmets but don't penalize drivers for blantant actions like this.
UPDATE: Roush Fenway Racing crewman Kevin McDowell was examined and released from an area hospital early Monday morning after X-rays taken showed no broken bones, a team spokesman said Monday.(SceneDaily)(6-1-2010)