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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It has come to my attention that there is a problem in the Limited Late Model division. Apparently Michael Bennett has won 10 out of the 13 races that have been held so far in this--the inaugrual (sp?) year of this class. I think it is unfair for the other drivers who try so hard to pull off a win to sit around and watch him blow around the track and cross the starting line first. Please try to make a few rule changes to prevent a situation like this from happening again. Not only would it be a godsend to both the fans and the other drivers, but it would be a step in the right direction.
Mandy, why don't you try to go help a team or better yet build one and go beat the guy if you have such a problem with him.
First off, I don't have the money to build my own team. And I don't know someone who would take me under their wing. So I'm...what do you say...(s-bomb) out of luck.
I think one of the problems with the Limited Late Model Division at SMS is the car count. It is definitely a contributing factor to the quantity of wins that Michael Bennett has, and seconds that Andrew Durand has, and thirds that Charette has, and so on.
Would Michael Bennett win nearly every race if there were a full field every week? For example, if the SK division only had 6 cars every week, and those drivers were,
Curt Brainard
Kirk Zervas
Glen Colvin
Mike Marshall
what would the finish look like every week? TC, Willie, Curt, Kirk, Glen and Mike. Once in a while Willie might win as Durand has, and Brainard would probably be third. The last three would battle for last every week.
On a personal level, if everyone rooted for the same driver, racing would'nt be exciting. Maybe from now on you should make your trip to the food court during the LLM feature instead of during "the boring races" like the BGNN! LOL!
Send it off, I would love to see the reply.
Thanks Mandy...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!