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Mayfield's suit vs. NASCAR dismissed: A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed Jeremy Mayfield's lawsuit against NASCAR, a ruling that presumably ends the yearlong saga surrounding the first Sprint Cup driver suspended for failing a random drug test. U.S. District Judge Graham Mullen in Charlotte, N.C., ruled that Mayfield had twice waived his rights to pursue any claims against NASCAR when he signed documents both as a driver and as an owner to participate in the stock car series. "Plaintiffs thereby waived their right to pursue their claims for defamation, unfair and deceptive trade practices, breach of contract, and negligence," Mullen wrote in his decision. "Plaintiffs' claims are hereby dismissed." "The U.S. District Court's ruling is a powerful acknowledgement and affirmation of NASCAR's rulebook and its ability to police the sport," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said in a statement. "NASCAR has been very clear with its competitors as to its policies and what is expected of them." Mayfield's wife, Shana, said the couple had no comment on the ruling, which can be appealed only after NASCAR's suit against Mayfield is resolved. She said attorney Mark Geragos would speak on their behalf. Geragos' voice mailbox was full, and he did not immediately respond to an e-mail request for comment. Mullen's ruling Tuesday was in response to a motion NASCAR made last November to dismiss the suit based on pleadings already submitted. There was no hearing.(ESPN)(5-18-2010)
NASCAR Statement on Dismissal of Mayfield Suit: "The U.S. District Court's ruling is a powerful acknowledgement and affirmation of NASCAR's rulebook and its ability to police the sport. NASCAR has been very clear with its competitors as to its policies and what is expected of them. NASCAR's comprehensive substance abuse policy, which is among the best and toughest in all of sports, serves the safety of our competitors and fans." Ramsey Poston, NASCAR Public Relations.(5-18-2010)