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Robert R. Thompson 1958-2010 SPRINGFIELD- Robert R. "Bob" Thompson, 51, of Spring-field, died Tuesday, May 4, 2010, at Baystate Medical Center in Spring-field. He was born in Berwyn, Illinois, son of David Irvin Thompson of Daytona FL and Marlene (Gardner) Thompson of Holyoke, and was a graduate of Holyoke High School and the Porter & Chester Institute in Chicopee. Bob was an 18 year forklift operator at Hasbro, and had served in the United States Navy from 1977 to 1978. He was a fourteen year Springfield resident, and had previously lived in Holyoke. Bob was a NASCAR driver at Stafford Motor Speedway in CT, and had coached softball and soccer for the Wilshire Athletic Association. Besides his parents, he is survived by his wife of 15 years, Rosemary (Harris) Thompson, a daughter, Heather Thompson of Springfield, two sisters, Patricia Cameron and her husband Bob of Suffield CT, and Theresa Rivard and her husband Victor of Palm Coast FL, two brothers: Arthur Thompson and his partner Nancy Fernace of Manchester CT, and Tom Thompson and his wife Sue of Enfield CT, and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held Friday morning at 9:45 in the Barry J. Farrell Funeral Home, 2049 Northampton Street, Holyoke. Burial will follow at the Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 1390 Main Street, Agawam. Calling hours at the funeral home will be Thursday May 6, 2010 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in memory of Bob may be made payable to his daughter, Heather Thompson, and may be sent c/o Farrell Funeral Home, 2049 Northampton Street, Holyoke MA 01040-3404. Any donations received will be used to further Heather's education.
-- Edited by scott121476 on Wednesday 5th of May 2010 04:08:43 PM