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From Jayski.com, a story about a possible scuffle between Jeff Gordon and Mike Bliss after their on track contact at Chicago:
MORE on Bliss: #0-Mike Bliss denied rumors of an altercation with Jeff Gordon after last week's race at Chicagoland Speedway. Gordon was bumped into the wall by Bliss late in the race. Gordon, who has raced against Bliss since he was a teen in sprint cars, said the incident was forgotten.(Richmond Times Dispatch) AND Jeff Gordon apparently didn't take lightly his on-track run-in with Mike Bliss during Sunday's USG Sheetrock 400 that sent Gordon into the wall. Gordon, according to sources, confronted Bliss at the airport that night over the issue. But neither man wanted to discuss that yesterday.(Winston Salem Journal) AND II: Gordon's frustrations seemed to get the best of him last week after he was wrecked by Mike Bliss at Chicagoland. He criticized Bliss when talking to reporters, and there apparently was a confrontation between the two — possibly involving fisticuffs — at a local airport afterward. Gordon wouldn't answer questions about the airport incident. "Whatever happened between Mike Bliss and me, we're going to work it out on our own," he said. "I don't think it's anything that's worth even discussing. As far as I'm concerned it's over with." Bliss, who appeared to be recovering from a black eye, said there was some sort of fuss at the airport. "[Gordon] just came up and told me how upset he was," Bliss said. "I understood it. There was no swing. He was frustrated, and the wreck was the icing on the cake."(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)(7-16-2005)