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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well we have reached the month of May and across the United States of America racing season has reached full pace. With that said it is time to get into this months "JUST MY THOUGHTS".
1. COMPETITION - The 2010 season has just begun for both NASCAR Whelen Modified Tours but if the first few races are any indication, we are going to see some awesome competition. On the Southern side we have seen two first time winners. Both drivers coincidentally drive for the same team. I look for the Hillbilly Racing Team to possibly capture their first NASCAR Whelen Southern Modified Tour Championship in 2010. They will definitely face strong competition in the likes of Andy Suess, Tim Brown, and L.W. Miller III. I also look for Zach Brewer and Brandon Hire to win at least one race each when the Southern Tour resumes. It is also nice to see the Southern Tour grow with over 20 cars at each event so far, two of which are Rookies. On the Northern side this could be one of the most competitive seasons ever. At the season opening "Icebreaker" event many felt there were as many as twenty teams that could easily take the win. While Bobby Santos III dominated the weekend, there were several other drivers that showed strength. The second event at Stafford Motor Speedway saw even more competitiveness. One interesting fact is that four manufacturers were represented in the top-five finishers of the "Spring Sizzler". With two rounds of Coors Light Pole Qualifying completed, two Track Records have been set. Will this trend continue.... I guess we will have to wait until we get to another track on the schedule.
2. IT'S IRONIC - I found a few things to ironic about this seasons NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour events. First, Bobby Santos III has won both Pole Awards, then started first after the redraws while Doug Coby has started second both times. That is ironic enough, but Santos is the driver who beat out Coby for the seat in the Mystic Missle #4. Second, Johnny Bush is the ONLY driver to use NASCAR's Spec. Engine full-time on the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour. He is also the driver that prevented Bobby Santos III from having a perfect start to the 2010 season. Getting a lot of press lately isn't he ???? (I mean Bush here). Incase you missed it, Bush tangled with Santos while being lapped causing Santos who was leading at the time to drop to 22nd in the race. Third, following the Thompson Speedway "Icebreaker" event Mike Stefanik had some rough words for Ryan Preece. Who did Ryan run into to put the #3 behind the wall at Stafford ??? Things that make you go .... hmmmmmmm. Incase you do not know it was Mike Stefanik.
Well that is it for this month. As always thank you for reading and your conmtinued support of the site. Any replies are always appreciated.
Four manufacturers may have been represented in the top 5, but look at the engine type/builder. Fords or Hutters (which are all Chevys). Manufacturers on the Tour is a basically useless designation, since it is based on nothing (it used to be based on the roof, but those are a stock Ford or GM piece for now, with rumors of fiberglass roofs coming next year).