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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Modified Feature Finish, 35 Laps: 1.John Bennett 2.Lonnie Behler 3.Don Wagner 4. Matt Higgins 5.Chip Santee 6.James Pritchard 7.Stacey Brown 8.Rick Reichenbach 9.Andy Szapacs 10.Keith Mullineaux 11.Bill Teel
Late Model Feature Finish, 20 Laps: 1.Paul Kohler, Jr. 2.Shawn Sitarchyk 3.AustinKochenash 4.Geno Steigerwalt 5.Rick Wallace 6.Frankie Althouse 7.Jason Zatsko 8.Lorin Arthofer II
Street Stock Feature Finish, 25 Laps: 1.Randy Ahner, Jr. 2.Jon Moser 3.Gene Bowers 4.Steven Steigerwalt 5.Kristy Morone Arthofer 6.Devin Gibson 7.TJ Gursky 8.Bernie Uphold 9.Matt May 10.Josh Mooney 11.Chris May 12.Scooter Graver 13.Steve Hoffman 14.Jason Frey 15.Erci Danyluk 16.Jamie Smith 17.Brian Labar 18.Todd Ahner 19.Justin Miller 20.Adam Santee 21.Jillian Long 22.Joe Mooney
Dirt Modified Feature Finish, 20 Laps: 1.Dave Thomas 2.Randy Thomas 3.Tom Cramer 4.Jeff Parker 5.Joe Stangle 6.Bill Sittler Did not start: DJ Wagner
Pro4 Late Model Feature Finish, 20 Laps: 1.barry Christman, Jr. 2.Kevin Graver, Jr. 3.Kris Graver 4.Dave Chapman 5.MikeStofflet 6.Chris Kuronya 7.Jeremy Miller 8.Jake Kibler