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WATERBURY, VT - Thunder Road's Times Argus Mid-Season Championship race has a history of shaking up the point standings at the high banked, quarter-mile oval and Thursday's event was no exception. In two of the track's four divisions, the driver sitting atop the point standings entering the event is no longer on top following the seventh race of the season. Cris Michaud's runner-up finish moved him into the lead of the ACT Late Model division and Steve Quenneville's fifth place outing vaulted him to first in the Allen Lumber Street Stock class. Retaining their position were NAPA Sportsman competitor, Shawn Fleury and Power Shift Warrior racer, Mike Martin. Michaud will be happy to know that in the each of the past two years, the ACT Late Model driver who took the lead at the mid-point wound up winning the King of the Road title. Ironically he was one of those drivers. The Williamstown driver's win in the 2004 Times Argus Mid-Season Championship vaulted him to the top of the standings and eventually the crown. Jamie Fisher won the 2003 Late Model Championship after claiming the lead that year. Conversely, Fleury might be advised to keep an eye in his rearview mirror. In each of the past two years the NAPA Sportsman driver leading at the halfway mark did not go on to win the title. Scott Payea was on top after the 2004 Times Argus race but lost the championship to Reno Gervais by one point following the last race. Gervais won his first title the previous year without leading at the mid-point. Craig Bushey was the top point earner in 2003 but lost to the Island Pond driver by four points. The records for both the Allen Lumber Street Stocks and Power Shift Warriors show split statistics. Last year, when Joe Small was the Street Stock champion, he claimed the lead after the mid-season race. The previous year, when Jeff French won the title, Bill Hennequin was atop the standings after halfway. The Warrior division's records show the opposite. Ron Gabaree didn't get the Warrior lead in 2004 until later in the season en route to the division's championship. In 2003, when Seamus Curley was the titleholder, he did move on top at the Mid-Season race. Thunder Road's Late Models have six races in which they can earn points toward the 2005 "King of the Road" title while the NAPA Sportsmen, Allen Lumber Street Stocks and Power Shift Warriors each have eight. The next events on tap for the track's four divisions are scheduled for this Saturday, July 16, and Thursday, July 21. The rescheduled Casella Waste Management Trophy Dash is first on tap with a special weekend race. The Fisher/Federated Auto Parts event brings Thunder Road back to its usual Thursday night program. Nextel Cup Super Star, Ken Schrader from Fenton, MO will make a special guest appearance on Fisher/Federated Night at the helm of an ACT Late Model. The multi-time Cup race winner will pilot a car out of the Phil Scott race stable. Post time for both events will be 7:00 pm. Spectator gates will open at 5:00. The track's regular admission prices will be in effect ($9 for adults, and $3 for kids - ages 6-12).