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Bonus Points Prior to 2010, the NASCAR Whelen Modified and Whelen Southern Modified Tours were the only NASCAR divisions to not award lap leader bonus points. That changed in the off season as the sanctioning body has announced that five bonus points will be awarded to any driver who leads a lap during a race, and five additional points to the driver who leads the most laps in that event.
Leader Chooses While double-file restarts were a part of NASCARs touring divisions well before they were adopted at the national series level last year, there is one feature to the national series restart rule that has trickled down to the touring level. The race leader now gets to choose, with one pace lap left, whether to restart on the inside or outside lane. Previously, the leader always started inside.
Changes to Late-Race Restarts Speaking of double-file restarts, theyll now be in effect throughout the entire race in 2010. Previously, restarts inside 10 laps to go were single-file. There was also no free pass car with a caution inside 10 laps to go previously, but in 2010 the beneficiary rule applies throughout the race. Five Over the Wall This season Tour teams will be allowed five pit crew members in the car servicing area during pit stops. Teams were previously limited to four over the wall.
Pit Stop Procedures Teams will now be limited to changing either tires or taking fuel during a pit stop, but not both. If taking tires on the first stop, team can come back around for fuel under the same caution, or vice versa.