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Joey Jarvis an Early Contender for Koszela Speed Rookie Title
One race does not make a season but if one race serves as an indicator, Ascutney, (VT)., driver Joey Jarvis could be a strong candidate to claim the same title his father did three years ago, that of Koszela Speed Rookie of the Year, for the Modified Racing Series, sponsored by Bob Valenti AutoMall.Com. The performance Jarvis turned in last weekend at the season opening race at Waterford, (CT) left an impression on many veteran race enthusiasts.
Jarvis, an 18 year old high school senior at Windsor High School, Windsor, (VT) travelled to Connecticut on Saturday to attempt to qualify for Sundays 100 lap modified stock car race not knowing what to expect. Ready to drive the famed 9NH car owned by long-time New Hampshire race car builders-owners, Wally and Dennis Albro, the son of 2007 Koszela Speed Rookie of the Year, Peter Jarvis, settled in for the weekend. He asked questions, sought input and got it, the day after several teams had already practiced on Friday.
Jarvis explained With the help of friends and competitors, namely Kenny Barry, and Nils Linstedt, we were able to get things sorted out but we did not know how well wed do. Jarvis had never driven at Waterford.
Jarvis, an accomplished jazz saxophonist, who recently was accepted at Plymouth State College (NH)., where he will pursue music education, started in the last row in a 26 car field. At the start he slowly made his way to the front. At lap 25 he had moved up six positions. At lap 50 he was a surprising 9th. On lap 62 he was sixth, behind the 2009 Koszela Speed Rookie of the Year, Jacob Dore, Sanford, (ME).., holding that spot until his day ended on lap 76 when he ran out of fuel. He had just told his father, I think I have something for these guys, two laps prior. Jarvis would eventually finish the race eleventh
It was awesome, said Jarvis. When I was running behind Jacob (Dore) and I saw the big dogs, Rowan (Pennink), Jon McKennedy Matt Hirschman, and Doug Coby ahead of us, I told my Dad on the radio, I cant believe this, and he said, you passed a lot of cars to get there.
Dennis Albro is quick to point out that he and his father, now in his 80s, had given consideration to ending their involvement in racing after five decades. That was until they put Joey in their car for three races late last season. They were pleased with what they saw.
Dennis explained, Dad and I talked and we decided to come back this year to help Joey start his modified career. The way he ran in those three races, we felt it was the right thing to do. As for a run for the rookie title Jarvis indicated thats up to the Albro family. He reasoned, We would like too, we will have to see how things go. The Albros have become like family to us. We appreciate everything they have done, especially giving me this opportunity.
In a addition to Jarvis, Bryon Baker, Claremont, NH., a veteran pro-stock racer has filed for Rookie of the Year eligibility, New England Pro4 modified driver Frank Perry, Holbrook, (MA)., that series champion Norman Wrenn, Nashua, (NH).,and Sunoco Modified driver Geoffrey Gernhard, Salem, (CT)., have also filed.
The next event for the Modified Racing Series, sponsored by Bob Valenti AutoMall.Com will be Saturday and Sunday, April 17, and 18, at Albany Saratoga Speedway, Malta, (NY). For additional information log on to http://www.cvra.com