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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
MODIFIED FEATURE 40 LAPS 1. ANTHONY SESELY, MATAWAN, 2. Steven Reed, 3. Tommy Farrell, 4. Chas Okerson, 5. Adam LaCicero, 6. David Reinhardt, 7. Nick Gargiulo, 8. Dave Cranmer, 9. Roger Coss, 10. Harry Schaefer, 11. Robert Geibel, 12. Patrick Emerling, 13. Shaun Carrig
SPORTSMAN FEATURE 25 LAPS 1. ROBERT SUTPHIN, 2. Christian LaCicero, 3. Andrew Krause, 4. Charlie Kremer III, 5. Joey King, Jr., 6. Joe Nappi, 7. Eric Mauriello, 8. Danielle Rondeau, 9. Mike Potetto, 10. David Calabreeze, 11. Kevin Eyres, 12. Jason Treat, 13. Allan Camp, 14. Adam Gordon, 15. Kyle Reinhardt, 16. Stephanie Russo, 17. Ryan Cottrell
STREET STOCK FEATURE 25 LAPS 1. GREGG MIRANDA, HAZLET, 2. Carl Thomas, 3. Bill Vanderveen, 4. Ray Minieri, 5. Howie Conk, 6. Nick Shaw, 7. Rob Hyer, 8. Mike Kennedy, 9. Jon Meyer, 10. Mitch Brudy, 11. Jack Sayegh, 12. Mike Tillett, 13. Jerry Stanzione
LEGEND CARS FEATURE 25 LAPS 1. ROBERT FRENCH, HOWELL, 2. Malcolm Campbell, 3. Brian Spencer, 4. Trevor Alspach, 5. Mike Fulton, 6. Ryan Flores, 7. Ron Poley, 8. Joe Mongeau, 9. Todd McCollum, 10. Mark Tischler, 11. Mike Lester, 12. Steve Stull, 13. Pat Johnson, 14. Jason Simmons, 15. Joe Fresco, 16. Steve West, 17. Derek Hopkinson, 18. Mike Alcaro, 19. Kenny Van Wickle, 20. Matt Maring, 21. Kevin Nowak, 22. Kevin Yeatts
FACTORY STOCK FEATURE 20 LAPS 1. RICKY WILLIAMS, 2. Tim OShea, 3. Mike Bilello, 4. Elliott Wohl, 5. Rob Longo, 6. Whitey Miller, 7. Joe Helberg, 8. Steve Lynch, 9. Richard Petey, 10. Paul Hartwig, 11. Dan Birdsall, 12. Rick Siddon, 13. Todd Pilla, 14. Troy Gant, 15. John Gasko, 16. John Bowers, 17. Chris Felber