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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
SXR Series G2 Radios Road Course Spectacular Race Results
Cup Series (25 laps) 1. 84 Zac Thomas 2. 51 Scott Tapley 3. 17 Jeff Paul 4. 57 Kim Parker 5. 07 Pete Zaikirite 6. 74 Yves Talbot 7. 83 Pat Broderick 8. 8 Kendall Metcalf 9. 14 Alex Caddick 10. 83x Dylan Smith 11. 3 Chris Austill 12. 52 Lindsay Williams 13. 81 Tyler Chapman
Heat Winners: Thomas, Paul
Shadows Candle Co. Outlaw Series (25 laps) 1. 23 Colby Wright 2. 19 Doug Kurtz 3. 94 Scott Gregory 4. 74 Yves Talbot 5. 3 Chris Austill 6. 51 Scott Tapley 7. 60 Laurel Rand
Heat Winners: Gregory
Mini Cup Series (15 laps) 1. 44 Corey Caddick 2. 20 Kenny Woodward III 3. 59 Jake Christian
SXR Series Mountain Dew Nationals Race Results 3/20/10 Cup Series (50 laps) 1. 51 Scott Tapley 2. 17 Jeff Paul 3. 57 Kim Parker 4. 8 Kendall Metcalf 5. 3 Chris Austill 6. 83x Dylan Smith 7. 52 Lindsay Williams 8. 81 Tyler Chapman 9. 74 Yves Talbot 10. 83 Pat Broderick 11. 33 Mike Kelley II 12. 14 Alex Caddick 13. 84 Zac Thomas 14. 07 Pete Zaikirite
Heat Winners: Tapley, Thomas
Shadows Candle Co. Outlaw Series (50 laps) 1. 23 Colby Wright 2. 94 Scott Gregory 3. 19 Doug Kurtz 4. 42 Brian Worth 5. 74 Yves Talbot 6. 3 Chris Austill 7. 58 Jim Wray 8. 51 Scott Tapley 9. 60 Laurel Rand 10. 13 Zac Thomas
Heat Winners: Gregory, Wright
Mini Cup Series (20 laps) 1. 20 Kenny Woodward III 2. 44 Corey Caddick 3. 59 Jake Christian 4. 43 Brian Worth Jr.
Howie Hodge TheChromeHorn.com - Special Contributor