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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Another Thursday night of weekly racing at the Thompson Speedway is underway and freind of racing and MakingLaps, "Twisty" is filling in for CSG tonight. The first of two Late Model features, (the makeup from 6/16) has been completed and the top 4 finishers were:
The Mini Stocks have run their feature event and the top 3 were:
Ron Rixham
Jeff Moffat
Steve Michalski
Also helping pinch hit for CSG tonight are forum members, Sally and SKmad19. They report that Sunoco Modified competitor Bo Gunning, made hard contact with the wall during his qualifying heat and were unsure whether he would be able to compete in tonights feature.
The Pro Stocks have completed their feature and the top 5 were:
Jeff Conners
Norm Wrenn
Jeff Zuiedema
Mike Osullivan
Joe Lemay
Side Note: Fred Astle Jr, in his second week in the Lindblad #48 Pro Stock was running as high 4th but was sidelined by mechanical trouble. Also, George "Mad Dog" Bessette was an accident victim and finished down in the running order.
LTD Sportsman are up next. Thanks to Twisty, Sally, and SK Mad 19!!!
Limited Sportsman feature has been run and the top 5 are:
Glenn Boss
Steve Kenneway
Kevin Riley
Kevin Mason
Keith Desanctis
The Sunoco Modifieds are up next. Sally and SK Mad19 report that Bo Gunning, will not compete in tonight's Sunoco Mod feature event due to damage he recieved in a heat race crash.
Also, Jimmy Broderick is behind the wheel of the Denis Prunick owned #2 Sunoco Mod, replacing George "Mad Dog" Bessette.
The Sunoco Mod feature is complete and here is the full finish:
Jeff Malave
Bert Marvin
Kerry Malone
Todd Ceravolo
Ted Christopher
Richard Savary
Tom Cravenho
Ricky Shawn
Darin Renihan
Jimmy Broderick
Ron Yuhas Jr
Adam Norton
Chuck Docherty
Dave Salzarulo
John Catania
Frank Malec
Robert Gartside
Manny Dias
Dan Lajeunesse
TC and Malone got together and spun, but recovered to finish in the top 5. Jimmy Broderick, in his first apperance in the Prunick #2 recorded a top 10 finish.
Late Model feature #2 rounds out tonight's racing at Thompson and the top 5 were:
Marc Palmisano
Charles Bailey III
Woody Pitkat
Corey Hutchings
Jeff Hartwell
A gigantic thank you to Twisty, Sally, and SK Mad 19 for filling in for CSG and giving us the live results so we can give it to you! So please give them all a thank you as well.
I can hear Kerry now guys..."What did you run in to me for hey......!"
Wow, you guys were really on top of it tonight, and it sounded like a smooth night of racing up in Thompson. Thanks to all of you, (sally, always the best with the inside scoop, fullbore's great insight, and the 91's awesome objectivity), who called in the updates, and to our own Openwheelracer, who although it kills him not to be there at the track, took over and did a great job on the ol' laptop! CSG would be proud! Hopefully, he'll be back with us next week. We appreciate you all.
Back to Stafford tomorrow night, if the rain holds out, and to the chagrin of more than a couple drivers who (due to misfortune in the first ten laps of this continuation race) will tomorrrow night have to start a lap down.
See you in the SMS chatroom at 8:30 tomorrow night for LIVE Updates!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Thompson yesterday was great. Translation--yes, I went there for a change. It was my mom's idea, only because she wanted to see Jeff Malave race (and win, for that matter). It was a "culture shock" to say the least. It was a great time being there.