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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I am a little behind for this month, as I took a vacation with the family. Now that I am back though, let's get right into this months "JUST MY THOUGHTS".
NEW RULES - Can anyone else say IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!! As soon as I read about the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series using double-file restarts I thought about the fact that the Whelen Modified Tours should use them right down to the last lap. I think this rule change will provide some classic finishes before 2010 comes to an end. The bonus points for leading laps will absolutely provide for some interesting pit strategies, and more exciting competition. I one million percent must applaud NASCAR on both of the subjects.
ATLANTA - When first announced some people wanted to write this event off as nothing more than "an exhibition race on an oversized go-kart track". Well, I am happy to say to them..... YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!! Ok, so the event only drew a 23 car starting field. The good part of that is the majority of the entries were Whelen Southern Tour cars, not Northern invaders. Only 22 cars were to slated to start, so how many teams needed to be there anyhow? With Coey Lajoie taking down the win in his first ever NASCAR Whelen Southern Modified Tour start, the event gained TONS of media exposure for the Tour and Modified racing in general. Plus, if even one new fan was intruduced to the Tour and liked what he or she saw it was a plus in my book.
DARLINGTON RACEWAY - Why do I have Darlington Raceway included when neither tour races there you ask. Well, on the way back from my Florida vacation I decided to stop at the Darlington Raceway Museum. After viewing several awesome historical race cars, I was VERY pleased to see tributes to Jerry Cook, Ray Hendrick and Richie Evans included. The National Motorsports Press Association and Darlington Raceway both deserve praise for recognizing these drivers.
Well that is about it for this month. The NASCAR Wheln Southern Modified Tour season is now underway with a wide open title chase and next month the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour will kick-off at Thompson (CT) Speedway. As always thanx for reading and feel free to post your comments.