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Fan Dies After Being Hit by Debris From NHRA Crash
Sunday, February 21, 2010
CHANDLER, Ariz. A fan has died after being hit by a tire from a crashing dragster at the NHRA Arizona Nationals.
The woman was watching a first-round run Sunday at Firebird International Raceway in Chandler when Antron Brown's Matco Tools/U.S. Army dragster went out of control on the strip and its left rear tire and wheel came off.
Alia Maisonet, a spokeswoman for the Gila River Indian Community, says the woman was airlifted to a Phoenix-area hospital for treatment and later died. Gila River emergency responders were among the first to respond to the scene.
Brown wasn't hurt. Maisonet didn't know the woman's name or hometown.
Link to a video of Antron Brown's wreck. I did not see this view yesterday they only showed the view from down track. I was extremely surprised to see just how far and fast the tire bonced and flew. you can see it going into the hauler area.