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I will admit that I saw this topic posted at amother forum, but I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of remarks we have here.
What do you believe is or was the best Tour Type Modified event to be held. This event can be past or present.
I personally miss the "Thompson 300". And by the "Thompson 300" I mean when it was an actual 300 lap event. I can remember this event attracting well over 100 cars. 50 cars started the event with the final two spots being first and second from the 50 lap Non Qualifiers race. If any race should return, this is the one in my opinion.
I am not sure if it makes the grade because it wasn't a 'tour' race, but back in the early '70s they would run some open competition shows at waterford that not only featured the top runners from the bowl but brought Freddy Desarro, Buggsy Stevens, Eddie Flemke Sr., Gene Bergin, Leo Clery, Olie Silver, Charlie J., Richie Evans, Don Lajoie and a lot more from all over New England & New York in basically 'run what you brung'. Some like Silver would have a super wing on top of a Gremlin. The shows were usually time trials, heats a consi and an extra distance race like a 100 lapper on a Wednesday night and it was like an all star game but unlike the pro-sports of today, everyone played all out to win. A lot of the times a home shoe like Bob Potter or a dark horse like Don Burnnel would take the top prize.
It was just so cool to see all those guys running for the prestige (read big check for the time) of kick'n butt in an open show with no points on the line in the middle of the summer at the best short track in the northeast.
Now on a mid-summer Wednesday night you can see a 8 lap X-mod race with less than ten rookies. Maybe they should try to bring something like that back. The only issue is Thompson runs Thursday in the summer now but back then it ran Sunday, with Stafford Friday, the bowl Saturday. That way everyone had a day or more to get fixed if they bent it up.