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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
With the number of "casual viewers" that have probably tuned out during the delay.........Brian France is probably about ready to lay down on the track over the hole an let the cars drive over him to get this thing back goin.........
throw digger in the hole.......... i thought after the 1/4 of the races he would not appear............ i was wrong....... the next 74 laps will be interesting
I must hand it to nascar, they could have just called it earlier but they did hang in and finish the race. And with the relaxed rules on the drivers I think they made it both exciting and kept it fairly safe for each other. The 3x G/W/Ck'er rule made it interesting also, plus if they had called it after the 1st one JG wouldn't have wrecked. He made a few rough moves today and he is usually the one that complains about it.
It almosy looked like on the first restart with Biff leading that the 33 laid back off of Biff while the 29 pushed the 56 past. I wonder if that was part of the plan or if that the 29 is that much better than his team mate.
I think Jr must of only had a small shot of NOS to make that move but not enough left in the bottle to get by JMac to.
Congrates to them (JMac & crew). And a classy move by the Biff comin over to congrat his old team mate in victory lane.
I must admit I was impressed that NASCAR made all the efforts they did to finish the race. The new 3 try rule was also impressive ( I too liked seeing Gordon finish poorly). As for Jr., I am not sure about NOS, but man what a charge. Although the three extra restarts definitely helped him quite a bit.
Seeing the way Jamie reacted to winning reminded me of why I always wanted to drive myself. That had to be the most enjoyable victory celebration I have not been an actual part of. I also agree on the "class act" by Biffle.
All in all I have to admit I was pretty impressed by the entire race EXCEPT THE STUPID REMARKS FROM THE SO CALLED EXPERTS IN THE BOOTH. Did anyone else hear Larry Mac call Khane's car a DODGE ? And D.W., PLEASE realize that you do not know ANYTHING about driving one of these cars. The cars you drove were NOTHING like these and you have NO CLUE how they handle or how the drivers and crews need to adjust. If you did, you and your brother would still be out there racing them.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Monday 15th of February 2010 01:58:52 PM
Another thing we can't forget .......Congrats go out to "one of our guys" the crew chief of the #1 Team Kevin "Bono" Manion on the Daytona 500 victory.
It's good to see that other people are annoyed by Larry and DW as well.
I guess you have to give Nascar credit for stickin with it an finishing the race, but as I said earlier this is their biggest event, one that many non race fans or people that are curious about racing might tune into and the delays couldn't have helped hold the attention of or attract this demographic.........
Thanx for the reminder Open. Most definitely a HUGE congradulations to Bono and the entire crew. Nice to see another former Tour crew member take a Daytona 500 victory. I think it would be pretty interesting if he put Jamie in the Modified sometime.
Completely agree about the DW & Larry mac in the booth. Good thing Mike Joy is there. The wife was in the other room and heard me yell "shut the bleep up" at the start of the race and was like "I wasn't saying anything"! So I had to explain I was practicing for when she does... errr... I mean it was when DW sounded like a stupid old fool trying to say his race starting line. And yes, I did catch Larry identifying Kahne's Ford powered COT as a Dodge and waited to see but they never aknowledged it.
Also, I went to jayski and they had the link to nascar racecast. Well, I had visited it last season 3 times and the same thing happened this season. I tried about 3 or 4 times to make an educated reply and again got shut out. I am not sure but they seem to have their own click and newbies don't seem welcome. I will not be wasting my time there anymore.
That was one of the reasons I started this thread during the race but I may have been one of the only ones sitting with my computer and TV both going.
Maybe next time.
Oh yes, big congrates to Bono, not that winning the Daytona 500 is a big deal. Heck, it's so easy the Waltrips can do it.
With the Feds investigating Toyota will France dock them points and put them on probation for 'whatever detrimental' to lining his pockets errrr... I mean nonstockcar racing?