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BURLINGTON, VT - For most Northeast Late Model stock car drivers, having a purse awarding $10,000 to win would be enticement enough and the recently announced ACTion Super Series trio of events will do just that. But ACT President Tom Curley has further sweetened the deal by announcing a $5,000 bonus for the driver who can sweep all three of the events two at Barre, Vermont's Thunder Road International Speedbowl and one at Lee USA Speedway in NH. The venues are known as two of the toughest short tracks in the region. ACTion Super Series is comprised of the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic (Sunday, Sept 4), the REMAX National 150 (Sunday, September 25) and the New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl (Saturday and Sunday, October 1-2). Thunder Road's high banked quarter-mile oval will host the first and third races while the Lee, NH one-third mile speedway will host be middle race. "It will certainly take a driver with considerable skill and certainly some luck to be able to capture the $5,000 bonus, especially since we expect some 60 cars to attempt to qualify for each of the races. Making the field might, in itself, be a victory for some. But these two tracks can be mastered. It will be exciting going into the Milk Bowl is someone has been able to win the first two," he concluded with a grin.