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IDK, there are so few drivers our there anymore. All the top teams want experience, but they aught to roll the dice and go with a younger driver like the #3 team did with Ryan Preece...worked out great for them. Thats what keeps the sport going and that is how we get the superstars. Either of the Solomito boys would fit in that seat nicely and there are several others that could be looked at as well. JMO
Some intersting names have been floated around as Weekly Racer posted. The Keith Rocco one kinda makes me chuckle, he just doesnt seem like the kind of driver Bob Garbarino usually goes for....... but hey stranger things have happen.
A 2 time former championship car owner on the WMT once told me "When someone else is paying the bills to race it's really hard to go back to paying them yourself". Now I know Lia brought big steam to that 4 car. Mr Garbarino is one of the most respected car owners on the Tour. If he's willing to pay the bills himself, he can put someone like Hirschman, Coby or even a dark horse like Civali, and win right away with the team he has. But if he wants cash for the seat Rowan Pennink has boat loads, but is he a winner? I guess we'll all have to wait and see.
hahaha.....beleive what you wanna. Racer1, I dont believe Donny will be driving at those shows seeing how we only bring one car to each track but I've seen weirder things happen
-- Edited by modracer4 on Wednesday 17th of February 2010 05:44:40 AM
As much as I would love to see Reggie, the #4 car is a TROYER. I highly doubt a man that builds and co-owns RACEWORKS would drive it. Jerry Marquis is a VERY talented driver, but has been off track for a while.
Stevens and Ross split the season before there was the formalized tour that there is today if memeory serves me right. The only time after the Tour started that rings a bell would be when Stevens broke his back at Stafford, but since I wasn't around in those days, I'm not sure if that was before or after 1985.
Like WMT mentioned, Reggie co-owns RaceWorks with Ed Flemke Jr., so the two of them driving cars that aren't RaceWorks is slim at best. With Garbarino's loyalty to Troyer, plus Troyer Bob being the crew chief, it is very hard to see the #4 switching to running RaceWorks for either of those two veterans.
Jerry Marquis retired from driving and has moved to the Carolinas. At least that is what I heard.
-- Edited by invisible on Wednesday 24th of February 2010 09:48:55 AM
Personally I would like to see Bobby get a full time ride. Nothing against Doug one bit, I just think Bobby could be a top contender given good equipment on a full time basis. Either driver should be a good choice, even though nothing is set in stone for it being either of them yet.
I wanted to add that if it is indeed Bobby, it would be nice to see the Baldwin-Hienke Team give another driver a chance in the second car Bobby was scheduled to run.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Sunday 14th of March 2010 02:45:49 PM
Bobby is to drive HBR 's DIRT car-- You guys want him to Drive Put up the Money,drivers Need money to get Most rides an with the New points payoffs,more will be needed.
Rentawrench I am sorry but you are 100% WRONG on that comment. Jiimy Phelps will drive the DIRT Modified.
This comes from LocalRacing.NASCAR.com:
Heinke-Baldwin Racing (HBR) also plans to field a second car for half of the 14-race 2010 schedule. Kahne is expected to be in the second entry for Bristol and the June New Hampshire race and they plan to put Bobby Santos in the car at least five times. Kahne had finishes of 28th and 31st in those two races last year, while Santos has a win and 12 top 10s in 29 career Whelen Modified Tour starts.
The Whelen Modified Tour teams are part of HBRs long-term goal of driver development, which also includes fielding a Modified on the dirt circuit with driver Jimmy Phelps.
Nobody needs to bring money to the #4 team. The #4 team is big enough to stand by itself and they could hire any driver out there. The rumors I've read on here are really out there. If Bobby Santos had a lot of money to spend he would still be driving the #3.
The Santos RUMOR comes more from Shawn Courchesne's article than from here (I believe at least). According to that article (link posted in WMT NEWS section) it is most likely down to a choice of either Bobby or Doug Coby. So you can take that for what it is worth.
I personally find it to be sickening that money overpowers talent, but that is the way it is.
But like Most of what's said on this site is Lies started by the Staff or links to facts . Since I posted it in the Gossip page I guess I should be Called a lier for even coming here when I did not want to Trash someone
But like Most of what's said on this site is Lies started by the Staff or links to facts . Since I posted it in the Gossip page I guess I should be Called a lier for even coming here when I did not want to Trash someone
Last Post
Hey Rent don't get your shorts all bunched up. You bring alot to the table. No one really means anything bad here. And you did post in the gossip section. I think most of the posters are just pasionate racing fans. I know that I have been wacked in the past, but I love the modifieds. So I keep coming back. Hope you will do the same.
-- Edited by slotcar on Sunday 14th of March 2010 06:12:00 AM
Rentawrnech, I am not sure where you are going with the staff starting lies. I also only post what I find at other sites or here throught the grape vine. The Bobby Santos report I found was that he will drive in selected NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour events for HBR and that Jimmy Phelps would drive the DIRT car. I will check out the facebook link you are talking about.
As for the lies, well everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I do not need to lie to anyone.
Here is a working link to the Facebook page that Rentawrench refers to. I would not bet anything on that page being very accurate.
I will be running the HBR Wave 98h DIRTcar Modified. That's correct - Bobby Santos III will be driving the HBR Whelen Modified entry for at least 5 races.