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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
MRN has the qualifying as: 1) 5 2) 88 3) 39 4) 21 5) 42 6) 48 7) 2 8) 33 9) 18 10) 17 11) 24 12) 77
So I thought the twin 150's went odd & even but the lineups above are totally different! race 1: 5 - 39 21 - 48 33 - 18
race 2: 88 - 42 2 - 17 77 - 82
So how did the line ups get figured out? Jeff Gordon qualified 11th which I thought would be 6th in 1st race but starts 7th in the first race and Matt Kenseth qualified 10th which you would think would be 5th in the second race but starts 4th in the 2nd race? Sumpin looks weird.
Ok, I see the jayski lineup is different than MRN and some of it has to do with ties. the 48 & 2 tied and the 24, 17 & 77 are tied on jayski but the 77 is a tenthousandth slower on MRN! Jayski has the ties broken by last years points (it appears) but MRN doesn't and they are not even by who went out first (JeffG went out a couple of spots before MattK). It doesn't make sense but maybe they went to the 4th or more decimal places and they only show 3. I have spent to much energy on this already, time for a nap.....
-- Edited by spdracer19 on Sunday 7th of February 2010 12:26:44 PM
It's funny Spd I was talkin to a freind of mine about the Duel's today, and we were both saying it's funny that they haven't moved them from their traditional Thurs afternoon spot to prime time Sat night.
They have changed just about everything else about them, an every other special event in the Cup Series.
Ok, found this and after reading it I am still confused! Looks like they reserve the right to shuffle the line up as they wish:
Gatorade Duel Assignment: The eligible highest ranked 35 in 2009 car owner points are assigned to Gatorade Duel races based on their standing in the 2009 final car owner points. Odd-numbered owner points will compete in the first Gatorade Duel; evennumbered owners will compete in the second. The only exception is that the fastest qualifier (Martin) will compete in the first Gatorade Duel and the second fastest (Earnhardt Jr.) will compete in the second, regardless of 2009 car owner point standings. The remaining teams are assigned to a Gatorade Duel based on qualifying times beginning with the fastest team the #21 of Bill Elliott. The final lineups will be 27 cars in each Duel. Starting positions for the Gatorade Duels are based on qualifying times.