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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
(Naples, ME – June 22, 2005) A week after the big win by Patrick Laperle of St Denis, PQ in the Hight Chevrolet 250 at Unity Raceway, Unity, ME, the Infinity Business Group sponsored PASS Series Super Late Model/Pro Stocks make their way to Scotia Speedworld in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the Forbes Chevy-Olds 200 on Saturday June 25th for another encounter with their friendly rivals from the Maritimes to see if another Canadian can follow Laperle to victory lane.
200 laps on the quick Scotia Speedworld asphalt can take its toll on drivers, but in last year’s Forbes Chevy-Olds 200 Ben Rowe of Turner, ME took his time early on and avoided the “big one” in the opening laps that damaged the cars of Sam Sessions of S. Paris, ME, John Flemming of Williamswood, NS, Dan McKay of Halifax, NS, and several others, and made it a very long day for the Maritime contingent.
Ben pitted on lap 73 for fresh rubber and charged back to the top five. He met strong resistance when he got to third and challenged Mike Rowe, one of Maine’s racing legends and his dad. Father and son went side by side, then single file, then side by side again lap after lap for fifty laps until Ben finally got by. However, Ben still needed to get by Tracy Gordon of Strong, ME and Larry Gelinas from Scarborough, ME to claim the top spot. Neither Gordon nor Gelinas, who both tried a no-pit strategy for the 200 laps, could hold off Rowe and his fresher tires for long.
Ben got by Gordon, and with 35 laps to go Gelinas slipped up and that was all Ben needed as he scooted by on the inside bringing Gordon and Mike Rowe with him. And that was the way they crossed the line, with Gelinas back to fourth and Dave Gorveatt of Charlottetown, PEI fifth.
As we saw in the Atlantic Cat 250 last August, what happened at the beginning of the Forbes Chevy-Olds 200 last year won’t happen again, and the Maritimers will be at the front again as they proved in August when Wayne Smith of Timberlea, NS, Shawn Turple, Shubenacadie, NS, and John Flemming all finished in the top nine, which was bitter sweet for Flemming who lead a good portion of the final third of the race but tangled with Ben Rowe as they were fighting for the lead on lap 217, handing the win to Johnny Clark.
Flemming and friends are surely ready and any one of them would probably like nothing better than to join Laperle in a PASS victory lane celebration, but then again, the PASS drivers may have something to say about that. After all, it's a long ride to Halifax to finish second.