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Baker Curb working on deal with Cup driver: UPDATE 3: The 2010 Nationwide Series season will mark the 10th anniversary of dominance by Sprint Cup teams in NASCAR's No. 2 series. It's been since 2000 that a non-Cup affiliated team won the series championship. That year, Jeff Green won the title for ppc Racing, a team that has since been swallowed by up by another organization. Since then, Cup teams and Cup-affiliated have completely dominated the Nationwide Series. In 2009, Joe Gibbs Racing won the drivers title with Kyle Busch, and not a single independent team won a race. And it's likely only going to get worse for the non-Cup teams, #27-Baker Curb Racing co-owner Gary Baker said. Baker Curb is close to signing a sponsorship package with a Sprint Cup driver, a necessity these days. "The gap, frankly, has widened a little bit," Baker says. "That's why we know we've got to go get a Cup driver for one of our cars on our team because NASCAR so favors the Cup drivers in Nationwide racing."(SceneDaily)(12-28-2009)
UPDATE: [NASCAR Insiders is] hearing that Cup driver is Greg Biffle. It's expected he'll run a limited schedule for the team in the Nationwide Series. This will not be the first time Biffle has worked with Baker Curb. Between 2005 and 2008 he ran 43 races for the team and its predecessor organization, Brewco Motorsports. There is no word on how many races Biffle is expected to run, or who the sponsor will be.(NASCAR Insiders)(12-29-2009)
UPDATE 2: Baker Curb Racing will hold a press conference this Saturday afternoon in which Greg Biffle will be introduced as driver for the #27 Baker Curb Racing Ford for select races in the 2010 NASCAR Nationwide season.(Middle Tennessee Racing Scene) (1/7/2010)
UPDATE 3: Baker Curb Racing announced that the team has reached an agreement with Greg Biffle to drive in the NASCAR Nationwide Series this season. Red Man Moist Snuff will be the primary sponsor on Biffle's #27 Ford, which will debut in the Camping World 300 at Daytona International Raceway on Saturday, February 12.(Baker Curb PR), no number of races mentioned.(1-9-2009)