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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well you had to know it was coming . Here are a few more thoughts I have been having .
1. Memorial races - These races are a great way to pay tribute to fallen competitors . My only complaint is that several drivers seem to be left out . While Richie Evans has tow Memorial races , one will no longer exist when Tioga closes and the other is during Speedweeks in Florida . Should there not be an actual Tour race for the undisputed "King" of the Modifieds? I think the answer is YES. And why are there not Memorial races for Cookman , Jarzombek , Jankowiak , or Don Pratt to name a few . Just something that makes me wonder sometimes .
2. Second generation drivers - By far some of the best news in modified racing , is the rise of talented second generation modified racers . Chris Pasteryak, Matt Hirschman, Mike Leaty, J.R. Kent, Kenny Troyer . I know I am leaving some out , please feel free to post others .
3. The night race at Martinsville - This could be HUGE . A combination race with the new NASCAR Whelen Southern Modified Tour, it will be the FIRST race EVER run under the lights at Martinsville . A two day event on Labor Day weekend , this is atriumphant return to Martinsville for the Modifieds . Hopefully someone finds the pen that Mr. Hawk needs for the TV deal and this race gets broadcast LIVE . Hell if they can put the Stafford BGNN on HDTV live why not this?
The BIG thing is going to be fan support of this race . No crowd , will equal no more races . We all need to do our part to make this race a success .
4. All-Star Showdown - This is another topic rought about before the season began . Similar to the TV deal , not much more has been said . A Showdown NEEDS to happen . Top Ten in points from the Whelen Tour and Whelen Southern Tour should be guaranteed starters . They could then run heats for Twin 50 Lap Features , one North one South , for the remaining cars. The Top Ten in each feature would move into the Showdown . A final Last Chance race for ALL non-qualified cars would adavnce the Top Three to the All-Star Race . Oh yeah , they could run it at North Wilkesboro , a perfect track just going to waste .
5. Return to Super Speedways - The Modifieds once ran the 2.5 mile tracks at Daytona and Pocono. Drivers like Allison,Gant,Bonnett, and Wallace all have competed in NASCAR Modifieds at these tracks . I say bring them back , Dover also . I know people argue that the cars are too fast now , but with proper adjustments it could be done .
6. TV coverage - It was promised but not delivered . I believe alot is due to lack of sponsors to pay the bills for TV , so I came up with this idea . How about we get some of the owners with unlimited finances, you know who they are by their trailers and equipment , to put up enough money each to have their company sponsor a race . I bet the answer would be the same from all of them , "We can't afford that." Nothing better than complaining about something , but doing nothing to solve the problem .
Well that is it for this round of thoughts. I have said it once and will say it again . THESE ARE JUST OPINIONS . Take then for what you will .
I hope to see more rsponses to these thoughts as well , so Please post your responses .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 15:52, 2005-06-22