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Ted Christopher, has aired his side of the post race pit area incident last Friday night that earned him a one event suspension from racing at Stafford. For a link to the article from the Hartford Courant's Shane Courchesne, click below:
It's to tighten up the points race? Seriously, Christopher's full of it. It's not to tighten up the points race. It's to make sure nobody's going to be unsafe during racing conditions. If I were the one who caused unsafe conditions during a race, I would be given a talking to by one of the head honchos at the track. I would heed to their advice if I were Christopher.
" "It's a joke," Christopher said. "You have to remember, that's the way it goes at Jack Arute's Stafford Motor Speedway. They do whatever they want." "
HUH???? THEY do whatever THEY want??? Another shining example of the pot calling the kettle black. I would insert an eye-rolling emoticon here but there just isn't one big enough.
Is it true that Jame Civali will be at the wheel of the Mystique Motorsports #13 SK at Stafford If TC sticks to his word and doesn't return To Stafford?
Wow. If that happens, I wonder what the reaction will be from the other drivers? And how about the fans?
Yeah, that's true. I don't believe the rumor, but I would be highly suprised if it does happen. In this case, it's a long shot before we see Civali driving the #13.
Rabbit and Mandy, spoke with some reliable sources this week and there is NO truth to the rumor of Civali driving the Mystique #13 SK at SMS, and that TC WILL be back in competition this Friday night at Stafford.