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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
New Jersey native Ben Seitz had a lot to prove coming into the 2005 season. Fresh off his NEMA championship in 2004, Seitz wanted to prove that his title run wasn’t a hoax, that it wasn’t a one-time deal. Seitz mentioned at the beginning of the season, “We need to run upfront again this year and back up what we accomplished in 2004. People don’t remember what you did last year, they remember what you did last race.”
With that said, Seitz started off the 2005 season at Stafford with a victory over the NEMA brass, picking up where he left off in 2004. But the next race was at Adirondack and it proved to be a disaster for the Cape Cod Aggregates # 17. Seitz lost a brand new motor in his heat race. Prior to the feature Cabral Racing, Father Glenn and Son Randy, graciously offered Seitz a ride in their backup mount. Seitz, starting at the rear of the field, took off like a man possessed, passing cars high and low, all over the track. By lap five Seitz was up to 4th place and a caution came out to slow the pace. At the same time, during the caution period the Autocraft motor in the Cabral Racing backup car, not unlike Seitz potent Gaerte, sizzled out, leaving Seitz with a weak finish.
The team went back to the shop and put in one of the Gaerte’s they acquired last year and had freshened during the winter. They went to Star Speedway in NH and the car was off a bit but still, Seitz managed to manhandle the car and bring it home with a solid 4th place finish against some of the best midget drivers in the country. But to Seitz and the Valeri Motorsports Crew a 4th just wasn’t going to cut it. They went back to the shop, made some changes and got the car ready for the short tow from Monument Beach, MA to Seekonk Speedway.
Seitz, with his primary sponsor, Cape Cod Aggregates, and a slew of their employees in the stands knew it was time to get back to business. Seitz started dead last in his heat and within a few laps had rocketed to the helm, turning blistering lap times and setting the stage for the rest of the competitors. Come feature time, with a 9th place starting spot and a bumper crop of talent in front of him, Seitz went to work. By lap eight Seitz had wheeled his strong running Beast/Gaerte combo by North East star Bobby Santos and put on the after burners. With just a handful of cautions slowing the pace, Seitz cruised to a strong victory, putting his team back in 2nd place in the points standing and looking forward to catching and overtaking Joey Payne, ISMA/NEMA standout.
“We’re taking it one race at a time right now”, said an always polite and low-key Seitz. “My Car owner, Peter Valeri, gave me a great car as ususal. And I really have to thank Cape Cod Aggregates for all their support, we couldn’t do this without them and we appreciate it. If we just keep moving forward, plucking off a few points here and a few points there we can definitely catch Joey and make this two in row.”
In the end, Seitz has proven time and time again that he knows how to wheel a car and get the job done. His smooth, thoughtful style has led him to titles in every division he’s ever raced in. As for what’s on the horizon, Seitz and his team always have something cooking but for right now they are focused on the 2005 season with the NEMA series. And right now Seitz is setting his vision on making it two in a row and three out of five when they go to Thompson International Speedway on June 30th.
For more information on Ben, his season and more, head over to www.BenSeitzRacing.com or email the team at PR@BenSeitzRacing.com
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