Hate to do it, but just some basics; Please acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
Please talk smack, we encourage healthy debate! BUT, You also must agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. You know the difference...
We hate spam as much as you do, but we also encourage advertisng by drivers, and teams, as well as other racing news and information websites. Feel free to place a link and/or banner in your signature or send your artwork/links to us for placement at adv@makinglaps.com.
Post anonymously or register, but only members will win random prizes periodically. We are pleased to have a great library of animated avatars, members may send a brief request of what they would like their avatar to be by emailing the bratmaster38@aol.com.
Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Tommorow night (6/22) at 8:00pm, we will have a live chat in the Stafford chat room with Earth Technology Motorsports crew chief for driver Frank Ruocco, Stash Butova. TC has had his oportunity to tell his side of Friday nights incident to the press, now we will give Stash and his team their chance to tell their's. So come and join us tommorow night at 8:00pm.
Everyone at MakingLaps would like to thank Stash, and the #91 team, for participating in last nights chat. And also, a big thank you to all the drivers, team members, and fans that stopped by and made the chat a great success.
Not only would I like to thank everyone who made this Special Live Chat a great success, including all the new visitors, but I would like to give Stash Butova kudos! He was an articulate guest speaker, handled questions with wit and grace, and dispelled many rumors, but confirmed others. His integrity and love for the sport shone through in every answer and comment to our members and visitors. Any time you would like to chat Stash, you are more than welcome....
When we decided to hold this chat, I was a bit leery. I felt we were opening up a big opportunity for some idiot, (or many for that matter), to come and really do some bashing, to us, Teddy, or the Frank Ruocco team. Although the chat was completely moderated, I did not need to "kick" one user from the chat, "ban" an IP, nor even "not pass" any obscene messages! This only shows what true racefans we truly are, it's all about the sport of auto racing. We proved we could hold a chat of this nature with maturity and integrity. Becasue of this, we invite anyone who has any suggestions or ideas about upcoming chats they would like to see, or a driver or crew member who would like to be involved in a chat of their own, to email me at webmaster@makinglaps.com. We will entertain any suggestions that you may have!
Have a great weekend, and if you can't be at the "Bowl this weekend. join us in the chatroom for a LIVE chat, Saturday night at 7:00pm!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!