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I have from a VERY close source that it is down to four drivers for the seat of the #21. The four drivers are Carl Edwards (yes that Carl Edwards), Mike Stefanik, Jon McKennedy, and Ron Yuhas Jr.
BD, this entire thread is based solely upon RUMORS AND GOSSIP, hence the fact it is posted in the GOSSIP section. Therefore, the posted subjects may be totally wrong.
If you go back through the posts, you will see that I predicted Jon to be the driver of the #21 before 2009 was even over. I then posted the final four canidates, when I recieved them from a source involved with the team.
The RUMORS of the two car team with "Legends" is what made me think it could be Jon and Mike as drivers.
If you are more "in the know", I encourage you to share your information and sources with the rest of us.
Mike will not be in the car. Carl was never asked. Ron and Art talked, but thats it - This whole thing was started by a member of the team as a joke. The legends thing is total BS and not true. Also started as a joke.
Jon is not confirmed in the car as a permanant driver and neither is anyone else at this time. Jon has the best shot at the ride, but money talks and if someone came with deep pockets, they would have the ride. Planning on running the car around 8 times or there abouts, but if someone comes and buys the ride, you may see it more.
Ummmmm TS maybe......but he needs lots of money and Art doesn't want the thing wadded up either so he would only let guys in it that have Champs under their belts or guys that have proven they can keep it in one piece. Not that he can't, but I don't think he has enough experience yet to suit Art.
Art needs to make spafco popular again at riverhead like he did in most of the 90's what better way than to showboat it at the head with our favorite young DRIVER JMO
Coby wont be in that car. Whoever brings the bottom dollar. They will get the same car as Stefy got when he won the 01-02 WMT championship. That is one of the best cars on the tour and sad to see it sit in the garage
He didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you... he *rubbed* you. And rubbin, son, is racin'.