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Evernham looking to be involved with race team again: Former car owner and crew chief, Ray Evernham, said prior to Sunday's season-ending Ford 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway that he hopes to get a series of legal issues resolved in the coming weeks that may pave the way for a return in some capacity with a race team. "Unfortunately for me, there are a lot of legal things going on right now. And there will be more legal things to come," said Evernham, who remains a minority stockholder in what is now known as Richard Petty Motorsports and also serves as a color analyst on ESPN television race broadcasts. "I'm not 100 percent sure [what I'll be doing next year]. Right now I have a contract on the table from ESPN -- and I love working for ESPN. I have a blast with what I do there. We'll have to see. I'm not going to say that I'll never be back over here. I just don't know in what capacity." Evernham has made no secret of his desire to rid himself of his minority stake in RPM, which previously was known as Gillett Evernham Motorsports -- and before that was simply Evernham Motorsports, in which he was founder and majority owner. "I've got some meetings next week. There is a lot going on where we've got to get some clear communication on -- things that are going on and where I fit in all that," Evernham said. "I own a percentage of everything as a stockholder. I am a stockholder in that business today." He also has a non-compete deal with Gillett-Evernham that he would like clarified -- if not severed altogether. That could clear the way for him to return to the garage in some capacity with another race team beginning as early as next season. Evernham added that he has not spoken with majority owner George Gillett on any consulting issues since last May.(NASCAR.com)(11-23-2009)