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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well it was quite an interesting night thats for sure.People always wonder why good drivers don't have rides wellI'll give you a few axamples why this is so.First Preece was leading Matty was second and on a restart Preece got a good jumpand the lead.On the next caution Matty spins him out .Under caution ,what a joke.Then the race resumes and Matty spins him out and goes on to win.What a joke even on the WMT if you spun someone out under caution I really think the officials would have taken some action.Then to have him spin him out again,what a joke.Mattys night wasn't over yet the clown wrecked Chucky and alot of the front runners in the Mod race too.That my friends is a prime example of why he doesn't have a tour ride.His actions show that he is nothing but a spoiled brat .What a shame because he can drive no doubt about it but I wouldn't put him in my car just because I hate punks that act like him on the track,someday someone is going to get hurt or killed because of people driving like that.Especially at a track like Concord they are going waay too fast.What a shame all that talent and not a clue,although the tour is probably better off without him if he is going to pull that crap.JMHO
In no way did he deserve to win that sk race. If you are able to get passed the leader before the flagstand on a single file restart you jumped the start and went before he did, because it wasnt like preece spun his tires. Gotta love when Brooksie is running the show. And aside from that how many times did he cut off Preeces nose pinching him in the wall. Ryan was way too nice and I wish he would of just finished him.
preece should have took care of him. Even when he looked to be getting fed up with matty, thought about puttin the dive bomb on him, but he doesnt do it to the extent of body slamming the other car. the difference between those 2 are Ryan wont go out and put his car in a situation of possibly getting wreck. Matt did in SK race and lap 4, lap 7 of the tour race. no body can say he is "sorry". because his interveiw after teh SK race told the story of how he drives. Thinking preece jumped the start? Pleasee. he did once it looked like to prove a point. North South = Matt Hirschman rules.
I used to go to the Shootout but I don't anymore because of the crab that goes on.Who wants to drive 14 to 15 hours to see crap like that.First off its basically Run what you Brung ,cheater motors TC and I don't mean Teddy and as evident last night no rules on the track.This is why a lot of front line carslike the 36,3,4,stay home because its just not worth it.If you go there witha tour legal car theres a good chance you won't win and a better chance that you'll end up on the hook.Just look at last nights race.There were a lot of torn up cars mostly caused by one clown and poor officiating .After what happened last night I'm glad I stayed home saved a lot of money and grief.There were a lot of owners that were glad that they stayedhome too!
It has been said many times that the Pa cars have TC and FAT motors. That's why a certin red and white ROC car from Pa doesn't run on the WMT. Even tho it's owner/driver doesn't have a ride on the Tour. It won't pass NASCAR Tech Cheat to beat
wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh...i hope you all are just internet race fans, and just loosely associated with race teams...i surely doubt you are owners or drivers since no self-respecting owner or driver of either an sk or a tour car would whine on an internet forum like all of you are....listen to yourselves, you sound ridiculous!!!
i like to read these forums, but threads like this make them look like a very bad idea!!!
Same old same old. Driver A is a punk, driver B is a spoiled brat, driver C's daddy has a big checkbook an buys him everything blah blah.
Some of the posts in this thread are ok, others just make me shake my head. We put it to vote last year to everyone whether to do away with the anon posting and it came back pretty much a dead tie.
I think it's time to revisit the subject once again between the admins and mods and seriously consider doing it.
Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone but its really kind of due a little bit, to my own selfishness that I haven't done it yet.
Due to the fact I don't kid myself, and I know once we do it are activity we'll probably drop in half if not more because a good 80% of you I guarantee, would never come on an say half the things you do and have to put a name to it or be identifiable.
To everyone who puts quality posts up we thank you once again, to those of you who post school yard, school kid, name calling disguised as "posts" your not welcome.
I'm a huge fan of the 60, 40 and 22. The end results of the Shootout were not good, but I think all 3 of those drivers can flat out drive a race car. Any driver can have a bad day and I've seen Matty run some great races. The comments about Matty also make me laugh, because I have seen him race countless races, and some of the anoymous posters on here make him sound like he's the most aggressive and dangerous driver around. You have got to be kidding me!!