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Well, another NASCAR Whelen Modified and Whelen Southern Tour season has come and gone. We now have twenty-five years of memories in the record books. Being that we are not too far away from the Thanksgiving Holiday, I wanted to include Tour related memories that I am Thankfull for. I am hoping that others will share some memories they are thankfull for as well. So without further delay, let's get into this month's "JUST MY THOUGHTS".
Before I get to the things I am thankfull for, I just wanted to comment a little on the NASCAR Whelen and Whelen Southern Champions.
1. NASCAR WHELEN SOUTHERN MODIFIED TOUR CHAMPION - Prior to the 2009 NASCAR Whelen Southern Modified Tour season, I do not believe many people had George Brunnhoelzl III on their list of potential Champions. After the first few races, I would bet his name QUICKLY was added to most if not all. With an amazing show of consistency Brunnhoelzl stayed at the top of the season standings and garnered his first ever NASCAR Championship. I for one, give a hats off to the entire team.
2. NASCAR WHELEN MODIFIED TOUR CHAMPION - With Donny Lia's return to the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour in 2009, most people looked forward to a serious challenge for defending Champion Ted Christopher. The Lia vs. Christopher battle at times was ugly both on and off the track. As the seaon wound down the Championship definitely looked to come down to a battle between the two. By fate, with two races remaining it became a four way battle that included two former and the reigning Tour Champion. The fate took a strange turn. Ted Christopher would have a horrible race at arguably one of his best tracks. It now became a battle of David vs. Golliath. Young Ryan Preece carrying on the LEGEND of the Ole Blue #3 vs. 2007 Tour Champion Donny Lia in the HISTORIC Mystic Missle #4. In the end Lia would prevail and claim his second Championship in three years.
OK now for my thankfull memories, I will list five and hope that others will post comments and there own memories.
1. Being able to see the first ever Tour race in 1985 at Thomspon Speedway.
2. For having a best friend that was as crazy about the Tour as me, and being able to chase races from New Hampshire to Virginia with him. Thanks Glenn.
3. My Aunt Joy, Cousin Wayne, and Uncle Stan "Willy" Wildermuth for introducing me to Modifieds (my Uncle is a former driver) and taking me to tracks that do not even exist today. While the tracks may be gone the memories will last forever.
4. Mike Ewanitsko. A driver who at one time was like a brother to me. I can only wish that luck would stay on your side. I will never forget the weekend when you won the SPRING SIZZLER.
5. L.W. Miller III. From the time you spent driving the second car while I was with Bobby Fuller Racing, to the time with your own car I knew you had the skill to get the job done. I will never forget the race at Watkins Glenn with the Truck Series. Oh, and the Cowboy boots LOL.
Finally I am thankfull for EVERYONE that keeps my favorite divison alive, and to EVERYONE who takes the time to read "JUST MY THOUGHTS". And I can not forget to mention the newest addition to the Tour fans Austin Cody Egnor who will be joining us any day now(due November 8th).
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.