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DEI head honcho Richie Gilmore, said that he would like to keep Micheal Waltrip as the driver of the #15 but ultimatley the decision is up to Teresa Earnhardt whether Waltrip remains with the team, and a decision on the matter could come in the "next couple weeks".
Thought I would post this snippet from an AOL feature today. It appears that with Michael's performance of late he will certainly continue the season, (like there was really ever any doubt that he would be able to complete his contract), but it seems that the teams are really at eachother's throats.
I'm afraid it may be the Eury's that end up getting the axe!
Excerpt from AOL feature on 6/16/05 entitled: What's wrong with Dale Jr.?
Earnhardt's struggles have been magnified in recent weeks by the improvement of teammate Michael Waltrip, who inherited his cars, car chief Tony Eury Jr. and crewmen when Dale Earnhardt Inc. (DEI) switched drivers in a wholesale shakeup this offseason. Team owner Teresa Earnhardt and vice president Richie Gilmore made the decision to avoid stagnation and to separate Earnhardt and Eury, who clashed at times.
What nobody foresaw with the swap was how fiercely competitive the teams and drivers would become against each other. Little information was shared, and the teams functioned separately under one roof.
The problems didn't seem apparent at the Daytona 500 as Waltrip started third and Earnhardt fifth. Earnhardt was in the middle of the pack for much of the race before rallying late and leading two laps en route to a third-place finish behind Gordon and Kurt Busch. (Waltrip had engine trouble and finished 37th.)
But the silence continued, which might explain why it seemed more than a coincidence when the teammates collided two weeks ago.
"Tony Jr. said it was hard for him to open a line of communication and information flowing to my team because of the swap and because he wanted to focus on getting Michael in the Chase," said Earnhardt.
"And he didn't want us to hand over the information to the new chief and not garnish any of the credit. It was just shy of spiteful, you know what I mean? ... It was just pride getting in the way, and all the knowledge he gained over the years, he was too proud to basically do the job for Pete. And I was too proud to say, 'Yo, man, why don't you help us out a little bit?'