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NEW BRITAIN - Eugene Gino Robert Spada, 64, a resident of Berlin for twenty years before recently moving to New Britain, the loving husband of Gail Genevieve (Goldfuss) Spada for thirty-seven years, died Saturday (September 19, 2009) at The Hospital of Central Connecticut, New Britain. Born in Middletown, the son of the late Salvatore and the late Santina (Gerbase) Spada, he attended St. Josephs School, graduated from New Britain High School, served in the US Army, owned and operated Red Barn Radiator Company, and later owned Industrial Hobbies with his son Tommy. A well-known race car driver, he was a member of Southern New York Racing Association, New England Antique Racers Association, and the Northeastern Midget Association. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three children, Thomas, Cassandra, and Courtney Spada, his father-in-law, George Goldfuss, a brother and sister-in-law, Salvatore and Eleanor Spada of Berlin, a sister, Ann Greco of Wallingford, two grandchildren, Lillian and Audrey Spada who were the light of his life and his whole world, and several nieces, nephews, and cousins including Salvatore Greco Sr., Doreen Yanelli, Holly Ennis, and Michael Gerbase. He was predeceased by a brother, John Spada, and a niece, Sally Ann Greco. Funeral services will be held Friday (September 25, 2009) at 9am from Porters Funeral Home, 111 Chamberlain Highway, Kensington, followed by a funeral liturgy at 10am at St. Ann Church, 101 North Street, New Britain. Burial will be in Wilcox Cemetery, East Berlin. Friends and relatives may call at the funeral home on Thursday (September 24, 2009) from 5-8pm.