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Nationwide races for Kligerman? UPDATE: [The NASCAR Insiders] are hearing that Penske Racing developmental driver Parker Kligerman, who currently co-leads the ARCA RE/MAX Series points, may run a few Nationwide Series races towards the end of the season. Penske will supposedly field a second car for Kligerman alongside current NNS driver Justin Allgaier. No word yet on which specific races Kligerman may run.(NASCAR Insiders)(9-16-2009)
UPDATE: Penske Racing development driver Parker Kligerman will make his Nationwide Series debut at Kansas Speedway next month. Kligerman will drive the #22 Penske Racing entry, a team that will lay the groundwork for Brad Keselowski's full-time squad in 2010. "There are a lot of talented people out there and we are looking at all of our options," said Jonathan Gibson, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Penske Racing. "For a while now, we have been working to assemble a championship caliber Nationwide organization for both of our cars in 2010. Justin has had a terrific season this year and our intention is to hit the ground running with both of our teams in 2010." Kligerman, who turned 19 last month, is currently tied for the lead with Justin Lofton in the ARCA Re/Max Series championship. He tops the leaderboard with seven wins to his credit earned on both asphalt and dirt.(Fox Sports)(9-18-2009)