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Lagasse out at CJM after Iowa: UPDATE 3: CJM Racing has announced that Denny Hamlin, driver of the #11 FedEx Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing, will pilot the #11 CJM Racing Toyota at the upcoming races at Watkins Glen and Michigan. Scott Lagasse, Jr., will continue to drive the #11 entry at O'Reilly Raceway Park and Iowa. An announcement regarding the future driver lineup will be made at a later time.(CJM Racing PR)(7-24-2009)
UPDATE: Scott Lagasse Jr. will no longer compete in the CJM Racing #11 Toyota and will be looking for a way to complete his Rookie season. Lagasse, Jr., currently 12th in series driver points and a Raybestos Rookie-of-the- Year contender, will compete in this weekend's event at O'Reilly Raceway Park near Indianapolis and in the following weekend's race in Iowa.(PR Plus)(7-24-2009)
UPDATE 2: hearing that Kelly Bires could run some races in the #11 later this year.(7-25-2009)
UPDATE 3: The team's sponsor, America's Incredible Pizza Company, will remain on the #11 through the Iowa race, a news release said. Company president Rick Barsness said it will continue "our branding with Scott through new store openings and other promotions." That could mean Lagasse could end up with another Nationwide team, with sponsorship from the Pizza Company. "The Pizza Company, from what I know, is [going] continue their branding and they're very happy with me," Lagasse said. "What that means, I don't know. I have not had those discussions."(SceneDaily)(7-25-2009)