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A past rookie of the year will return to the Tour at Bristol. The formal announcement will come the day before the race. He will drive Bristol, New Hampshire, and Martinsville.
Is this going to be in thier own car or for a team already running now. Can't wait to see the mad man from meridan back behind the wheel dicing it up with tc at nh.
Is this going to be in thier own car or for a team already running now. Can't wait to see the mad man from meridan back behind the wheel dicing it up with tc at nh.
Can't say anything else till an announcement is made.
Civali Who needs him .This guy had one of the top rides in the series.On top of his game ran up front even won some races life was good.then all of a suden he imploded.He tore up a lot of racecars costing his owner a lot of money,toe up alot of others too.HE even wrecked someone by driving into a car on purpose under caution.That was the day he lost his ride.What a shame i have talked to him a few years ago heseemed like a nice enough kid But.I really can't get excited about him returning to the TOUR we just don't need the crap that he brings with him.Hate to say it but the truths the truth.Ll
Civali Who needs him .This guy had one of the top rides in the series.On top of his game ran up front even won some races life was good.then all of a suden he imploded.He tore up a lot of racecars costing his owner a lot of money,toe up alot of others too.HE even wrecked someone by driving into a car on purpose under caution.That was the day he lost his ride.What a shame i have talked to him a few years ago heseemed like a nice enough kid But.I really can't get excited about him returning to the TOUR we just don't need the crap that he brings with him.Hate to say it but the truths the truth.Ll
Top rides in the series? Never won anything before him. Haven't won anything since him.
I can't argue some of you post, But I can argue one of the top rides in the series. That's just not true. Statics don't lie
I would have to agee with the last post. Before james there was doug colby. One of the top pro stock drivers and didn't win. I think he came close once. Now they have woody driving, one of the best sk drivers in the country, and have not even come close to winning after james left. I know he had some bad races but the kid is great behind the wheel. You can't tell me he is not worth the price of a ticket. Maybe the time off was good for him and he comes back even stronger.
Civali can drive there is no doubt about it in fact he would be tough to beat if he didn't have a melt down.To bad he did because he lost a lot of repect from competors and fans like me .Ireally don't think you can ever get it back that easy and he will have to work real hard to get back to where he once was.This is a make or break deal for him if he screws this up it will probably end his chances on the tour.I wish him luck but its up to him to prove himself on this one.As far as Pitcat I really do't feel his is #1 in the country far from it.I watched him at the North South SK race 4 or 5 years ago and Iwas really impressed with him but he really hasn't showed me much since.It just shows how tough the tour really is just because you have success in an SK doesn't mean that you will win on the tour after all stats don't lie.Not many have made that step and abigger step than most think from SK to the tour .Just think about it how many former SK drivers a constantly front runners on the tour,not many.
Civali can drive there is no doubt about it in fact he would be tough to beat if he didn't have a melt down.To bad he did because he lost a lot of repect from competors and fans like me .Ireally don't think you can ever get it back that easy and he will have to work real hard to get back to where he once was.This is a make or break deal for him if he screws this up it will probably end his chances on the tour.I wish him luck but its up to him to prove himself on this one.As far as Pitcat I really do't feel his is #1 in the country far from it.I watched him at the North South SK race 4 or 5 years ago and Iwas really impressed with him but he really hasn't showed me much since.It just shows how tough the tour really is just because you have success in an SK doesn't mean that you will win on the tour after all stats don't lie.Not many have made that step and abigger step than most think from SK to the tour .Just think about it how many former SK drivers a constantly front runners on the tour,not many.
I'm with you on that one kid can wheel a car, but the night he tried to kill Dave Dion did it for me.
Your right I checked the stats on the 28 your right stats don.t lie. They should be asshamed with the money they spend they should be a top team.I guess all the money spent by them doesn,t guarantee you will win.Something is missing some driver some race team who knows .
Quite a return wrecked at bristol ,not his fault ,wreck at thompson his fault ,wreck at loudon definately his fault.Ron Silk in victory lane.PRICELESS!
I doudt vey much that Yurko got that tape ready in a week.
Anyway, when the 79 went 3 wide the driver of the #1 just plain ran out of talent and hit the #17and came back down and got the 79 in his right rear. That's from the Tour Director himself Chad Little.
How the hell did the #28 get in the middle of this square dance?..Well if we are doing the numbers, The #28 is in the top 10 in points, and the #79 is where? (car owner points) I would say that Woody (and the King Racing team) is having a GREAT first full time year. He is second only to Todd Szegedy in laps completed. Not bad for a guy who is seeing some tracks for the first time.
Two guys I am very impressed with in the top 10 this year. Woddy Pitkat and Rowan Pennink. These two guys have less than 70 starts between them and they are in the top 10 with some guys that have over 200 starts. Instead of bashing these drivers, I think we should realize that along with Ron Silk , James Civali, Ryan Preese, Eric Rudolph and Glen Reen we are looking at the future of the WMT!
I will agree with you on one thing I,ve been watching Pennick all year long and have really been impressed with him .He runs near the front most of the time and appears to be really smooth.On the other hand the guy that says Pitkat is having a great year is way off base .The 28 spends a ton of money and should be running up front all the time and their not .Comparing Pitkat to Pennick not even close,Woody can,t even carry his helmet bag.
Allright Annons. SERIUOSLY, if you can not use this Forum for anything more than bashing drivers, calling people a**holes, and basically spreading nothing more than rhetoric PLEASE stop posting. The topic that WAS being discussed here is a past Rookie Of The Year returning to the Tour.
And once again I will have to say that I find it amusing that all the trouble comes from ANNON posters.
No bashing here. I just think Woody is doing a great job. He only has 28 starts on the WMT (funny, thats his car number too!) and he is in the top 10. How can you say the guy is not a great driver? Put your personal opinions aside and look at the numbers. Rowan is also a great driver, But he has over 70 starts. Look at the company Woody is keeping in that top 10! the only guy with about the same number of starts in the top 10 is the past True Value Modified Champion Chris Pasteryak. Look at all the guys behind Woody in points. Just because the guy has not reached victory lane in his first full year YET, does not make him any less of a driver. I think its just the opposite, The guy has the ability to know if he does not have the winning car, he is just going to bring it home in the best possiable possiation. And THAT is just being heads up. I think we will see Woody (along with Rowan and Chris P.) is victory lane shortly. Besides, who (aside from James Civali) has reached vivtory lane in their first full year? Because I can name a HUGE list of current winners who didnt!
I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if it is done tastefully is not a problem.The a.holes and so on are worthless and serv no purpose at all to anyone.The problem is just because you can drive an SK and win on a regular basis that you will succeed on the wmt.The tour is really really hard look at the stats,they don,t lie.The big thing with Cevali is that he did have a real great first year and people just took it for granted that he was destined for greatness.This of course didn;t happen .The problem is you have someone like Ryan Preese and what he has accomplished in two years on the tour and everyone thinks its easy to win on the tour.Sometime it takes longer to accomplish consistently running or winning so be patient and post tastefully please.
Great young drivers like Ryan Preese, Todd szegedy, Matt Hirshman, and Ron Silk didn't win in their first year either. Even greats like Lia didn't see checkers in their first year. How long did it take the GREAT T.C.? Bottom line! with only 14 races a year, its going to be very rare to see ANY first year winners anymore. But it does happen, Eric rudolph!! Lets just be happy we have great drivers like Woddy and Rowan that will be scratching and clawing for that first win. And by the way they are running, It should not be long!
I just want to say that i NEVER meant ALL Annon posters. some of you have very englightening and interesting things to post. We all know the ones I am talking about.
Sorry annon you are wrong Preece did win in his first full year .He won Martinsville leading 276 laps.It just must have slipped your mind, he also has a great year going this year roo.Grantedhe is driving what has been a top running car for many years but it still takes more than just a good car to win races.He has proven to be one of the really bright spots on the tour .He is really awesome with the fans too.